Son of Batman is DC Animation's upcoming film that adapts the recent popular Batman story "Son of Batman." If you are not familiar with modern Batman comics, the story is about Bruce Wayne meeting his son, Damian, that he did not know he had with Talia al Ghul. Damian was raised by the League of Shadows and he dons the title of Robin. Since he was raised by the League of Shadows, his methods and opinions of killing clash with Bruce's, which makes for an interesting dynamic. The voice actor for Damian Wayne is actually a kid, and while his voice is slightly annoying, casting a kid in the role might work out for the best. While I do not read modern DC comics because of the cost and my lack of time, I do know quite a lot about the character and what happens, and from what I know, maybe this DC Animated movie can live up to its best work like Mask of the Phantasm. Even though I am not overly excited for this new animated film, I am interested enough to watch it at some point. What did you think of the trailer? Please comment below.
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Batman has a son?! (I'm afraid I do not keep up with any of his comics at all.)
ReplyDeleteThe trailer was actually quite interesting, though I find the whole idea rather strange to me. I will probably see this one if it comes highly recommended or something. :)
If I end of seeing the movie, I will review it and let you know if it is good or not. :)
OMG, that looks amazing!
ReplyDeleteYes it does!
I will definitely be watching this. It looks awesome. Also, have you heard of Justice League: War? I haven't seen it yet, but I'd be interested to know if you'd heard anything good about it.
ReplyDeleteNo, I have not heard of JL: War until you mentioned it, but I looked up a review and one person said it was good, but I could not find any other reviews.
OMG!! It's Dami! He's finally on screen! It's about time this Robin gets a movie (um, three, uh - four Robins to go?). I will definitely watch this.
ReplyDeleteAs someone who follows the comics, I feel so happy to see Damian again. I miss him so much.