At Number 100: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
After reconsidering my opinion on Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I have decided that it does deserve a spot on my Top 100 as one of the best comedies. The satire is hilarious, and the Black Knight battle is pure hilarity! Monty Python and the Holy Grail is absurd, hilarious, and an all around fun movie to watch.
At Number 99: Groundhog Day
What a completely original idea for a comedy plot, reliving the same day over and over until he gets everything right. Groundhog Day is one of the funniest and best written comedies ever made and a definite classic in the genre.
At Number 98: The Other Guys
One of the lesser know films on my list, The Other Guys is an absurdly hilarious buddy cop packed with unforgettable quotes. There is no comedy that I quote more often than The Other Guys. While it is not necessarily a great "Film", comedies are much more subjective than other genres of film. It really depends on the viewer's sense of humor more than anything else and The Other Guys was my kind of comedy! But warning this is definitely not intended for the younger audience.
At Number 97: How to Train Your Dragon
In general animated feature films rarely appeal to me because of their childish nature, however there are some elevate themselves above the rest and How to Train Your Dragon certainly does so. It had a surprisingly mature narrative that rarely had made it seem like a "Kid's Movie". Not only is it better than anything Pixar has ever made, it is one of the better fantasy I have seen.
At Number 96: The Adventures of Robin Hood
The oldest film on this list, The Adventures of Robin Hood is pure fun and entertainment. Errol Flynn owns the role of Robin Hood unlike anyone before or since, and the film holds up well considering it is over 70 years old. The production value of the sets are top notch and the action is some of the best from the era.
At Number 95: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The first but certainly not the last Harry Potter movie to make the list. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is one of the most underrated Harry Potter movies in the series, featuring some of the best art design from the franchise. The Half-Blood Prince is slower and less action-packed than the Order of the Phoenix, and does an excellent job in character development before final chapter the Deathly Hallows.
At Number 94: Tombstone
Tombstone is just one of those really fun westerns based on two of history's most famous gunfighters, Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp. There are so many memorable lines and awesome gunfights, it is just an all around fun and entertaining flick. Plus Val Kilmer's amazing performance as Doc Holliday really was the core of the movie's success.
At Number 93: Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (uncut edition)
Another one of Bruce Timm's underrated animated films, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker merges Batman: the Animated Series and Batman Beyond into a high quality Batman film. Mark Hamill is fantastic as the and Kevin Conroy is the definitive voice of Batman. The original uncut edition is surprisingly dark and finally gives Mark Hamill's Joker a chance to kill several people for the first time.
At Number 92: Field of Dreams
Even though some may consider it overrated, Field of Dreams is my favorite baseball movie. It incorporates baseball into the movie without any of the flaws that most baseball movies have. As a baseball fan, I love seeing all of the old time baseball players out in the field at the end. Also it is a fantastic fantasy film as well.
At Number 91: Rio Bravo
Another great John Wayne western, Rio Bravo took a classic western concept about a Sheriff in a western town and made it original and fresh. Dean Martin gives one of, if not, his best performance of is career as the conflicted alcoholic Dude (yes that was his name and it is an awesome name).
At Number 90: X-Men
Not only did X-Men start the new wave of comic book films like The Avengers, The Dark Knight, and Spider-Man, it started them off with a bang. X-Men has aged surprising well and proved that Marvel's properties could make money. Although it does not reach the quality that many comic book movies now have due to its lower budget, it showed that comic book movies could work on the big screen in the 21st Century.
At Number 89: Batman: Under the Red Hood
Based on the comic book of the same name, Batman: Under the Red Hood is one of DC animation's very best. Although the voice for Batman could have been much better, the film makes up for it in stunning action set pieces and a surprisingly deep ending, I was on the-edge-of-my-seat during the last 15 minutes.
At Number 88: The Maltese Falcon
Did Humphrey Bogart even make bad movies after Maltese Falcon? Bogart is the best at playing the role of a detective and he is superb as Sam Spade. Although the ending does not entirely make sense, the rest of the mystery is intriguing and deserves it status as a mystery classic.
At Number 87: Alien
"In space no one can hear you scream." Although I do not believe it to be "scary" as some say, I did find it suspenseful with a unique atmosphere. Watching Prometheus before watching Alien probably made me enjoy Alien more, and because I watched Alien, I enjoyed the even more awesome sequel, Aliens.
At Number 86: Jaws
Who can argue that Jaws shouldn't make this list? It is a film everyone should see at least once, even though I do not hold it quite as highly as others might, it is a true classic. The problem is that it loses the suspense upon multiple viewings. Despite that, Steven Spielberg's direction is amazing, creating "The Jaws Effect" and forever changing how suspense/horror films are made.
At Number 85: The Princess Bride
Despite the name, The Princess Bride was not a "chick flick" as I expected. Actually I found it "inconvincible!" how hilarious and clever the film was. Rarely does the film ever become too silly and ridiculous, despite how intentionally cheesy some of the effects and other aspects of the film are. As many have said before, The Princess Bride is one of the more quotable films ever made, because there is so much great dialogue throughout.
At Number 84: Rango
Rango was a surprisingly funny animated film that is among the best animation has to offer and a great satire of classic western films combined with its own unique spin. Even the Academy agreed Rango was excellent giving it an Oscar for Best Animated Feature that finally unseated Pixar's four year reign of the category.
At Number 83: Ben-Hur
Despite a painfully slow first hour, Ben-Hur's next three hours easily make up for slow start. From the incredible chariot race to seamlessly tying Christ's resurrection into the film's plot, Ben-Hur truly is an epic in every sense of the word. Also Ben-Hur won the Oscar for Best Picture.
At Number 82: Star Trek: First Contact
Although I am not the biggest Star Trek fan, but Star Trek: First Contact is currently my favorite Star Trek movie, even after watching The Wrath of Khan. Boasting an impressive 92% on the Rotten Tomatoes meter, it is very underrated when compared to other sci-fi films. It has the best action of the Next Generation series, and the Borg are the best Star Trek enemy, hopefully J.J. Abrams' movie series will eventually use them in his reboot.
At Number 81: Patton
Patton, based on the true story of General George S. Patton, and won the Oscar for Best Picture in 1977. George C. Scott gives a career defining and Oscar winning performance as the great General, which he no doubt deserved. Definitely one of the best biopics ever made and it actually made the subject matter entertaining were other such films often fail.
At Number 80: The Bounre Identity
Just as Die Hard spawned many copy cats, The Bounre Identity has made a similar impact on this century's action flicks. Matt Damon's first outing as the amnesiac hero Jason Bourne is still among the best actions films have to offer. The Bourne Identity had as much intrigue and mystery as it did action and thrills, which made it completely unique compared to other films of the genre.
At Number 79: The Fugitive
Smart and full of thrills, The Fugitive really surprised me when I first watched it. Not only was Harrison Ford excellent as always, Tommy Lee Jones gave an Oscar Winning performance in one of his first major roles. The Fugitive is one of the few movies were the main character makes smart decisions that you would want him to make in that situation oppose to the often stupid mistakes that make you start screaming at the movie screen.
At Number 78: Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph is one of those rare animated films that really worked for me. The characters were likeable, there some hilarious jokes, and a ton of geeky video game references. Despite a few flaws, Wreck-It Ralph is my favorite family animated film, and should go down as a classic of the genre.
Wreck-It Ralph Review.
At Number 77: Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park changed films forever with its revolutionary CGI effects, yet it never let the effects become the star of the movie. Steven Spielberg's direction is top notch, no one else could have done what he did and make it work so well. Jurassic Park is exactly what it needs to be, a fun, thrilling summer Block Buster packed with stunning visual effects.
At Number 76: The Big Sleep
Although the film's is overly complex and does not make complete sense in the end, it is the snappy dialogue and banter that really makes The Big Sleep timeless. Bogart's and Bacall's on screen chemistry is nearly unmatched in the film. They just do not make mystery/detective films like they use to anymore, it is a real shame.
At Number 75: E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial
I still cannot believe how much I enjoyed E.T. Rarely do I like films that are considered "heart warming" and an "emotional journey" because I rarely, if ever, connect with a film in that fashion. However, E.T. was just entertaining, funny and had excellent direction by the great Steven Spielberg.
At Number 74: The Searchers
Often considered the "Best Western of All-Time", The Searchers is a fantastic film, just not quite the best. John Wayne plays a darker and more complex character than most of his other roles, which is a good change for him. John Ford is at his directorial best in The Searchers with some brilliant cinematography and fun action scenes.
At Number 73: The Magnificent Seven
The Magnificent Seven is one of the best action western ever made. The movie was adapted from the Japanese film "Seven Samurai", which you will see later on this list, and has been copied many times in various genres but none do it better than The Magnificent Seven.
At Number 72: Rambo: First Blood
First Blood has been one of my favorite action movies for as long as I can remember. Sylvester Stallone plays the mentally scared Rambo perfectly and he even made the brilliant decision to cut much of his character's dialogue from the film, letting the other characters do the talking. First Blood really set the standard for clichéd 80s action flicks to come, except First Blood was not clichéd at the time and it still holds up today.
At Number 71: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
During my original posting of this list I was unsure as to whether or not Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog should be considered a film, but it did not air on TV originally and it contains a standard three act narrative, therefore I consider it a film. It is an impressive feat for me to enjoy any musicals, but leave it to the great Joss Whedon, King of the Nerd, to make a musicals that even I enjoy. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is hilarious, loaded with great songs, and ends perfectly, cannot wait for Whedon's upcoming sequel!
At Number 70: The Bridge on the River Kwai

The Bridge on the River Kwai is a unique World War II POW film, it deals more with the psychological side opposed to the physical, yet remains interesting enough to keep it entertaining. Alec Guinness' amazing performance was the core of the film's success, which he rightfully won as Oscar for.
At Number 69: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre is an enduring tale of greed and gold and how it turns friend against each other. Humphrey Bogart is at his best as the insane Fred Dobbs, my personal favorite performance from the great actor in one of his most underrated roles. There is an indescribably timeless quality about The Treasure of the Sierra Madre that just makes it a great film.
At Number 68: Blade Runner (Final and Original Cut)
Blade Runner is a unique blend of noir, sci-fi, and classic hardboiled detective story. While Ridley Scott's take on 2015 does not appear to be very realistic compared to the current times, it really works and is different than most versions of earth set in the future. Despite the debate about the three different cuts of Blade Runner, I enjoyed both the Final and Original cut, although the Final Cut works slightly better.
At Number 67: Lawrence of Arabia
Over three hours in length and featuring some of, if not, the best cinematography from the era, Lawrence of Arabia is the definition of an film epic. There is not much else that needs to be said, basically watch the film if you are either a classic film buff or enjoy historical epics.
At Number 66: Charade
Considered by many to be the "Best Hitchcock film, Hitchcock did not make", which is a very accurate statement and one of Cary Grant's many fantastic films. Charade is loaded with plot twists and turns throughout, you never know what comes next and unlike Hitchcock's films, Charade had some hilarious witty humor.
At Number 65: Psycho
Even with a very slow first half, Psycho is one of the most shocking and suspenseful movies ever made. Possibly Hitchcock's most influential film, it basically invented the "Horror/Slasher" genre. Psycho is genuinely creepy at times, from the iconic shower scene to the shocking twist at the end, Psycho is an a true classic.
At Number 64: Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was the turning point of the Harry Potter series for me, while the first four were good and the Prisoner of Azkaban being the best of those, they were a little disappointing compared to the hype. However, David Yates made the Harry Potter series more mature and made it appeal to its audience as they grew older and it worked brilliantly. Finally we got to see a serious wizard throw down at with the climatic end battle.
Although it is a much loved film, I had low expectations for Forrest Gump when I first watched, but it greatly surprised me. While it is not quite a comedy, there are plenty of hilarious parts of the films and Tom Hanks' Oscar winning performance is perfect as the clumsy Forrest Gump.
At Number 62: The Terminator
*Cue suspenseful Terminator music* While it may be overshadowed by its sequel, the original Terminator still holds excellently as a suspenseful action thriller. Despite some ludicrous time traveling logic, the plot is original and works very well to deliver the thrills. Schwarzenegger was perfect for emotionless robotic antagonist, The Terminator, which was and still is, his most famous role.
At Number 61: Goldfinger
While Goldfinger might not necessarily be a great film, it is a lot of fun and has been one of my favorites since I was a kid. Goldfinger amped up the action to a whole other level compared to the previous James Bond films or any other action flick from the era and it introduced almost sci-fi gadgets to the Bond franchise and created the blue print for future Bond movies to come.
At Number 60: Seven Samurai
Seven Samurai was the first subtitled, foreign language, and it really took me by surprise how much I enjoyed it. Akira Kurosawa is an amazing director and his influence on many western directors which can be seen in this epic. Despite its nearly four hour run-time, Seven Samurai runs along at a good pace after the first hour and has some of the best battle scenes from the era, highly recommended for newcomers to foreign language films.
At Number 59: Lethal Weapon
Despite a few 80s action movie clichés, Lethal Weapon was a different type of action film compared to most action movies from the period. It basically invented the "Buddy Cop" genre in many respects. Gibson and Glover are hilarious together with great use of humor to lighten the tone, unfortunately the sequels were not that great.
At Number 58: True Grit
Often overshadowed by the recent remake, you cannot beat the "Duke" in his only Oscar Winning role. The remake is probably a better "Film", but the original will always be a favorite of mine and my favorite John Wayne film.
At Number 57 The Great Escape
The Great Escape is based on a true story of WWII POWs escaping from German prison, although do not expect a dark and realistic take on the events but more of a entertaining Hollywood flick. Many of the characters are likable from the all-star cast particularly Steve McQueen gave as Captain Virgil Hilts "The Cooler King". Who can forget his iconic motorcycle chase through the German country side.
At Number 56: Some Like it Hot
One of the funniest movies ever made and the best from blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe, Some Like it Hot is the essence of hilarity. It takes a crazy concept and makes it absurdly hilarious to watch! Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis are the best comedic duo I have ever seen and the film is just pure comedic gold. It even ranks number 1 on AFI Top 100 laughs and number 14 on the AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies series in June, 2007. Sure it isn't a perfect, but "Well, nobody's perfect."
At Number 55: Iron Man 2
Yes, I know a lot of people really disliked Iron Man 2 and I was one of those when I first watched it. However, after repeated viewings it is actually a fantastic and fun movie, especially considering that it had the tough job of setting up for The Avengers. Many viewers at the time were confused as to why some of these characters like Nick Fury and the Black Widow were showing up, which is understandable for those who had not read the comics. More Robert Downy Jr. as Tony Stark is always a good thing.
Despite winning the Oscar for Best Picture, Braveheart's general opinion is often mix, you either love or hate, obviously I love it. It is such an inspiring movie and manly film, it makes you want to standup against tyranny and fight for "FREEDOM!" The famous speech is utterly bone chilling and epic, probably the best movie speech ever filmed. Sure it may have little resemblance with actual history, but it is a fantastic film and that what matters in the end. "They can take our lives. But they can never take our Freedom!"
At Number 53: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is a revolutionary western in terms of the way it was made, yet it has never been copied. The humorous and witty dialogue between Butch and Sundance is hilarious and Redford and Newman deliver it with perfection. Also the movie is surprisingly historically accurate compared to most other history based movies, particularly westerns.
At Number 52: Ghostbusters
"If there's something strange in your neighborhood Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!"
From the classic theme song to the hilarious memorable quotes there is so much to like in Ghostbusters. Bill Murray's humorous dead pan performance and comedic timing is perfect. Despite the rather absurd concept, Ghostbusters has an unexpectedly clever plot and makes it work well.
At Number 51: Vertigo
Often considered Alfred Hitchcock's best film, Vertigo has the best pure mystery element in any of his films that I have seen. James Stewart's performance was reliably fantastic and Kim Novak was excellent as well in her role. Vertigo is one of the most mind bending movies ever made, it challenges your intellect and has so many plot twists and turns it almost leaves you dizzy, despite the slow plot pacing. If you enjoy having a movie mess with your mind, just watch Vertigo, it is truly amazing!
I have seen The Da Vinci Code movie, it was not so good and I did not enjoyed much. Love happens was much entertaining movies and one of my funniest movies of all time and whenever I watched this movie I had great laugh.