Friday, April 1, 2016

Star Wars on Netflix - Season 1 Official Live Action Teaser Trailer

Star Wars is coming to Netflix! Coming soon, Netflix and Disney will release a Star Wars series live-action series title, "Star Wars: Fury of Maul," obviously starring Darth Maul. No word on the release date yet. However, as the teaser shows, it appears to be following Darth Maul after the events of The Clone Wars. Will a Netflix budget be able to handle the special effects required for quality Star Wars content? Considering how Daredevil is one of the best things to come from Marvel, a Star Wars Netflix series could be amazing! With that said, the trailer's effects and production design are lacking a bit, so who knows. What do you think of this breaking news? Please comment below and let me know!

Happy April Fools Everyone! Hope y'all liked that!

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  1. This one hurts because that would be so amazing. A TV-MA Darth Maul focused Star Wars story? Dear Lord I'd watch that so quickly.

    1. Agreed, that would be epic. I really hope Netflix and Disney figure something out.


  2. Ouch!! This is so mean.. I got soo exited for this. Ive been hoping for Disney to start loaning star wars rights to other studios since they acquired lucasfilm. Ugh.. I go so taken in I shoulda guessed it when I saw the horrible trailer xD

    1. Haha, sorry, couldn't resist posting this for April Fools. But it would be incredible if Disney and Netflix made a Star Wars series. Something like a Star Wars series about smugglers or something would be great, or even Maul.


    2. S-fine no one enjoys a good joke more than me xD but a live action star wars tv show would be epic even if it took place like all on one planet or something it would be a dream come true.


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