
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer 3

The new trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens is here! And you can watch it above. After much deliberation, I have decided to not watch the trailer for the same reasons why I avoided the trailers for Age of Ultron. Without any preconceived notions and expectations, my experience of the film will be free of any influences. Few things are more enjoyable than being truly surprised, and that is what I am hoping for with this new Star Wars film. With that said, if you want to watch it, do so! In the meantime, to countdown to the film's release, I will be writing several lists of Star Wars' best characters, stories, video games, and more! Expect to see those in the coming months, as well as a post outlining what to expect in those posts.

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  1. I admire your willpower, not watching trailers so you can watch the movie unbiased. Will you see it on opening day, you think, or perhaps a little later, when theaters are not so crowded? I look forward to the upcoming countdown posts.

    1. Sorry for taking so long to reply. But thanks. Ever since The Avengers trailer showed SO much of the film, I have been avoiding trailers and reviews to the movies that I am the most excited about. As for seeing it opening day, I would like to, but since I have to drive out of town to see it, it all depends on how things work out. I really won't know when until I start driving down the road, haha.


  2. I broke down and watched it. And regret nothing. The hype is real. :D


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.