
Monday, October 19, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Poster and Tickets on Sale

The official poster for Star Wars: The Force Awakens is here! The poster definitely attempts to invoke the style of the original posters. Unfortunately, however, it is a little too cluttered like many modern posters. It is definitely a great poster, but not one that lives up to the Original Trilogy. Strangely absent is Mark Hamill as Luke. Maybe Abrams really is going to try something shocking and unexpected with Luke in the film. But we will have to wait and see. Another surprise is Carrie Fisher's hair! It is certainly.... unique to say the least. For a closer look at the poster, click on the image.

In other news, a new trailer for the film will air tonight on ESPN's Monday Night Football during halftime. Once the trailer airs, tickets will be on sale, so be sure to look for what if you are interested in early tickets! Check back tomorrow for the trailer!


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  1. I think it looks great! I throws back to the original trilogy, but still feels nice and modern, and has some really neat design aspects. I don't mind that it's more cluttered -- that just means there's more details to notice with prolonged staring..... ;) Haha, when I first saw it it was smaller than this one, and I had a hard time trying to tell whether her hair was her hair or Chewie's arm. :P

  2. I really think that this poster is WAY too crowded. It is almost as bad as the "Avengers, Age of Ultron" poster. A good poster should focus on just a few characters and a cool vehicle or two. It is like they just had to include all the new characters in the movie. . . and lots of characters from the previous trilogy. I wonder what that thing is in the background. Another Death Star? Looks like a death star laser canon built into a moon. "That's no moon, its a. . .Oh wait, it is a moon. . .at least it won't have a exhaust vent." Although if they build a superweapon onto a moon they won't be able to move it. This poster does a great job of getting me more exited about this movie than ever. But for posterity it is too crowded.


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