
Friday, October 16, 2015

Rumor: Fantastic Four Going to Marvel?

After the fantastic flop of Fox's "Fantastic Four," we have some fantastic news! (is that little too fantastic?) Fantastic Four's film rights might go back to Marvel, and another Fantastic Four reboot would release on one of Marvel's unnamed 2010 release dates. According to the rumor, the deal would involve Marvel allowing Fox to create an X-Men TV series in exchange for the rights to Fantastic Four. 

If this is true, not only will Marvel obtain the rights to the F4 team, Marvel will own one of the most powerful and important beings in the Marvel universe: Galactus. You might remember Galactus as a purple gas cloud in the second Fantastic Four film, and that portrayal is right there with Deadpool in X-Men: Origins for being one of the worst comic book character adaptations in the modern era. However, after Thanos in the MCU, Galactus and Skrull are two obvious choices for the next big Marvel villain, both of which are owned by Fox. If the rumor proves to be true, look for a post explaining the larger impact the F4 in the MCU might have on the franchise as a whole. Until then, please comment below and click here to read my Horror Movie Survival Guide!


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  1. Apparently Fox has denied these rumors. But I certainly wish it would happen!

    1. We can always dream, haha. Plus, I think Sony denied the Spider-Man rumors too.


  2. If true, it would be awesome. The FF belong in the MCU.


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