
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Top 25 TV Shows of 2015-14: Part 2

My list of the Best shows on TV begins! For the first part of the list, click here.

26: Helix - Season 2
Season 1 of Helix was the type of show that presents just enough questions to keep you coming back for more, even though the series itself barely manages to reach mediocrity. On the other hand, Season 2 fixed a few of the problems, while presenting a whole new batch of even worse issues.

Season 2 of Helix continually tried to one ups itself with one "What the Heck!" moment after another. Character motivations or logic is completely thrown out the window to the point where the story just fell apart. Aside from the perfect use of songs that serve as a tonal clash to the what is happening on screen, Helix season 2 is an absolute mess with few redeeming qualities.

Of all the series on the list, Helix is the only legitimately terrible one. There is absolutely no reason to watch, because you will just be left hanging with a cliffhanger and so many questions that you do not care anymore.
Watch if you like: Terrible writing,

Plot Summary: Taking place a year after last season 1's cliffhanger, Season 2 finds the characters looking for the cause of a new virus on an island where a cult leader with a mysterious past rules over his followers. Strange and bizarre developments unfold as the characters all eventually end up looking for the same thing on the island.

25: Scorpion - Season 1
Conceptually, Scorpion is a ingenious idea. Essentially, you take a geek squad of super-geniuses in various areas use their genius to fight criminals for the FBI. Unfortunately, characters can only be as smart as the writers.

At times, the writing is so stupid that I wonder if someone actually read the script before filming. Seriously, my father and I agreed that if either one of us read the script for some of these episodes, we would definitely know that it should not be put through production. However, other times, the series is a lot of fun to watch with fun concepts and good humor. I would say that half of episodes are good and the other half are really dumb.

Due to the massive rating success, Scorpion is returning for another season, and I plan to continue watching it
Watch if you like: Smart people in a standard Procedural,

Plot Summary: Scorpion is CBS's attempt at a smart crime drama starring Elyes Gabel as Walter O'Brian, a super genius. Walther leads a team of geniuses, who call themselves Scorpion that work as contractors for Homeland Security.

24: Elementary - Season 3
Elementary season 3 attempted to changed up the status quo a little in the beginning, and while it ultimately ended up in the same place as any other season, season 3 continued to give us fairly entertaining mysteries to solve.

Nothing about season 3 of Elementary stood out compared to the previous seasons, but what do you expect from a procedural? However, the series continued to be the same consistently entertaining TV series that it has been for the last two seasons. For my full review and rating, please click here.
Watch if you like: Procedurals, Sherlock Holmes,

Plot Summary: In the aftermath of season 2’s finale, Sherlock, Watson, and Sherlock’s new apprentice, Kitty Wilson, solve crimes for the NYPD.

23: Last Man Standing - Season 3
After a terrible second season that lost all of the appeal of the first, season three of Last Man Standing fixed many of the previous season's problems and headed the series back in the right direction.

Last Man Standing is Tim Allen's return to television with the feel of a 90s sitcom. Tim Allen is always a funny guy, and even though the writing each week is rarely inventive or impressive, the show always gives me some good laughs each week. If you enjoy an older style of comedy, Last Man Standing might the show for you.
Watch if you like: Older sitcoms, Tim Allen,

Plot Summary: "The series follows Mike Baxter, a senior executive and director of marketing for an outdoor sporting goods store chain based in Denver, Colorado, whose world is filled by women – especially at home with his wife and three daughters, one of whom is a single mother." (

Please let me know what you think of my list thus far in the comments!

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. You must watch a lot of TV to list 25 shows in one year! Impresssive

    1. Yes I do. Having a DVR definitely helps though. And thanks for commenting.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.