
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront: Gameplay and Local Co-op!

Wow! The first gameplay trailer of Star Wars: Battlefront just released at E3, and the Battle of Hoth looks amazing! Like the original Battlefront, the game will include both first-person and third-person gameplay and even Jedi! It looks as though there is now some sort of campaign to go along with the highly anticipated multiplayer. Dice, the head development studio, has added spit-screen to the game, which was surprising because split-screen was missing from their flagship franchise Battlefield. However, as huge fan of the original Battlefront franchise, I am so pleased that local multiplayer will be included. You have no idea how many hours my brother and I spent playing the first two games as kids, and beyond excited! We have been waiting for literally a decade! For me, this is the must-play video game of the year! What do you think of the gameplay? Please let me know in the comments, and check back soon for more movie news and reviews.

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  1. I was super skeptical at first because of all the bad news (no space battles, only 8 planets, no Mos Eisley hero/villain map, no prequel levels -- the most painful one) but after these recent gameplay trailers I am blown away. It looks fantastic, looks to capture the spirit of the original games, and, I agree, local co-op is a HUGE win.

    My biggest concern would be server load on Day 1/a month or two after release. EA/DICE have had some severe issues with their online components in the past (Battlefield 4 was a horrendous mess). I hope they invest the necessary resources and $$$ into making sure they can handle the load. My guess is that there are going to be some initial issues unfortunately.

    1. True, I forgot about the lack of space battles and planets. But they definitely need a hero battle map, at least in DLC or something.

      I haven't played the Battlefield since Battlefield 1942, so I did not know about the server problems, but thanks for the info. Otherwise, I agree, this should be great!


  2. I am excited about this. The gameplay trailer looks very impressive and reminds me a lot of the original battlefront gameplay. I am sure that EA will do their very best with this game. I think it is smart to focus on the original trilogy. There are some things that bug me, like the AT-AT calling in a strike through a shield that is "Strong enough to deflect any bombardment." But I am sure EA will iron out most of these bugs.

    1. Yeah, the shield did bother me since there is nothing in Star Wars like it and it could be a broken game mechanic, but I agree, this should be good!



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