
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Q&A #1

Finally, after much delay, I answer the questions you ask last year. In future Q&As, my voice will hopefully sound better since I learned how to fix some things while recording. So, please enjoy and check out the questions you ask below, and you can listen to my answers in the audio player above. If you have questions for future Q&As, please let me know in the comments.

Shena Tokala
If you could do any martial art, which on would you do?

What is your most anticipated movie of the year?

What is usual blogging process? 

On average how long does one movie review take to write?

When watching a new movie, what is most important to you; ie plot, characters, direction, a combination of two different things, ect (I hope that makes sense.)

Arvin Saints
What is/are the story/stories that has/have influenced you in a life-changing way? And why?

How do you spend a typical day in your life?

Films that got positive reviews that you think are terrible?

Films that got terrible reviews that you think are good?

If you want to ask me a question for a possible future Q&A, please leave in the comments below. If this series is successful, I will try to keep this going on a weekly basis. 

P.S. Thanks everyone for the comments on my reviews and other posts lately. After taking a short break from using the computer for health reasons, now my computer isn't working right. Despite this problem, expect more posts, and when everything gets sorted out, I will be sure to reply to comments!

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Awesome, glad you made this post! :) It was great to hear your answers to the various questions.
    Agreed- I prefer good movies rather than 'nice looking' movies. Quality is much more important than quantity. And I agree, I LOVED The Hobbit trilogy and I don't understand the hate (I feel the same way about the Prequels, which I very much enjoy and love and which get a lot of hate).

    1. It took me way too long to get this post out. XD I know what you mean; a lot of people really hate those films.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.