
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Coming Soon: June 2015

Hello all! It's that time once again to review the previous month and take a look at what's coming to theaters in the next 30ish days. Rath's Reviews underwent a bit of a redesign in the last month so feel free to go check it out by clicking the titles of the films I did see below. Here's what came out in May...

Avengers: Age of Ultron: After seeing it a second time, it definitely has its fair share of pacing/storytelling issues but it's no denying that the Avengers' second outing is still tons of fun. Features some awesome action and great jokes and gags (the ongoing hammer one is hilarious). Rath's Review Score: 9/10
Hot Pursuit: In a month with so much greatness, this film is going to be forgotten immediately. It's not bad, but it's not that good either. It wasn't very funny, but it was amusing enough. RRS: 5/10
Maggie: I couldn't find this one in Denver, but it seems I didn't miss all that much. Critics agreed that it had solid performances and an interesting look at the zombie genre, but that it wasn't really something to be remembered outside of the theaters.
Mad Max: Fury Road: WOW. Fury Road was an incredible ride from beginning to end and the use of *mostly* practical effects is staggering and commendable. It's truly one of the year's best films and one of the most memorable action films you could ever hope to see. RRS: 9.5/10
Pitch Perfect 2: A comedy sequel that actually rivals and/or surpasses the original? That's crazy! But regardless, Pitch Perfect 2 managed to outdo the original with some hilarious jokes and great chemistry among the cast. It has been a weak comedy year thus far, but Pitch Perfect 2 is currently the funniest film of 2015. RRS: 9/10
Poltergeist: It wasn't horrible according to critics that actually saw it, but it also wasn't anything special. Just another useless remake in the horror genre.
Tomorrowland: I enjoyed it more than other critics, but there are some severe pacing issues, especially near the end. But Brad Bird's newest film is mightily enjoyable despite its faults. RRS: 8.5/10
Spy: I was lucky enough to catch an advanced screening of this one and it was really enjoyable. Easily one of the best comedies of the year thus far due to a stellar comedic performance by McCarthy and the entire supporting cast. RRS: 8/10
Aloha: One of the more disappointing films of the year...this one was a bit of a mess, even if it was enjoyable. A poor script and the fact that the story had no purpose brought this one down a bit. RRS: 5.5/10
San Andreas: It's incredibly cliched, but for some reason I adored it and had a grand time at the theaters. It's a well crafted (even if it is by-the-books) disaster flick and Johnson is solid in the lead. RRS: 8.5/10

Most Disappointing: Aloha
Most Surprising: San Andreas
Worst Movie: Hot Pursuit
Best Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road

May was a busy of the busiest I've ever seen. But also one of the best. Let's see if June can top it below. Remember to click the titles for the film trailer!

Why It's Worth Seeing: The show, when it was at its best, was clever, funny, and pretty cool to watch. It's been a while since the series finale on HBO so if it can live up to the quality of the first few seasons, this could be a treat for fans.
What Could Go Wrong: The question should be asked: does anyone care anymore? Furthermore, based on the trailers, the film looks overstuffed; almost like they are trying to cram a season's worth of plot and story into a film. That could spell trouble.

Why It's Worth Seeing: As a "fan" of the Insidious films, this one definitely has potential. Their premise is somewhat terrifying and the previous two installments have been strong, if not slightly clichéd among the horror genre.
What Could Go Wrong: The horror genre is becoming a bit of a joke these days as there are very few quality films produced each year. They all blend into one another, more so than other genres. This is the third film in a franchise that didn't have too much originality going for it in the first place. It could be an issue this time around

Why It's Worth Seeing: As I mentioned earlier, I was able to see this one in an advanced screening and I was surprised with how solid it was. It's really funny most of the time and, while I enjoyed Kingsman more, this is a fun comedic take on the spy genre. 
What Could Go Wrong: I thought there was a tad too much forced language (not something that usually bothers me) and a few jokes fall really flat. Otherwise, this is one of the year's best comedies. Feel free to read my review HERE

Why It's Worth Seeing: It's more dinosaurs in a franchise that really has some room to tell more stories. The early trailers look promising and it will be interesting to see how everything fits in with the previous films
What Could Go Wrong: I'm hoping the trailers are hiding something from us because they seem to be giving a lot away, not to mention it doesn't seem like it's all that original of an idea. If I'm being honest, I'm a bit worried about it because I don't feel as excited as I should be.

Why It's Worth Seeing: It's no secret that Pixar has been stumbling this past half-decade. They've had some uninspired hits, as well as some underwhelming sequels. It's time that they get back to their highly original films and Inside Out looks to be brimming with it. Early critic reviews are saying that it's a classic.
What Could Go Wrong: I don't see much going wrong with this one to be honest. This truly looks like Pixar at the top of their game once again.

Why It's Worth Seeing: It's got some great initial trailers and buzz and I think it has a unique feel to it. Other than that? I just have a good gut feeling about it.
What Could Go Wrong: Despite its cool feel, it could end up being forgettable. I also don't know much about the story so that kind of worries me.

Why It's Worth Seeing: The first Ted, despite being a bit overlong, was pretty hilarious. Ted 2 looks to tell a worthwhile story of making Ted a legal citizen rather than just a copycat of the first film's plot.
What Could Go Wrong: I find Seth McFarlane's humor to be hit or miss. His most recent ventures (Oscar hosting a while back and A Million Ways to Die in the West) weren't exactly successful. If Ted 2 tries to force too many jokes, it could be highly disappointing.

Must See (in order): Inside Out, Jurassic World, Ted 2, Spy (won't be seeing it again, but it's worth a viewing)
On My Radar: Entourage, Insidious Chapter 3, Dope
Predicted Duds: None!

There's your recap of an exciting June! Check back next month for, you guessed it, JULY! As always, I'd be really appreciative if you came and followed me through Blogger at RATH'S REVIEWS and like me on Facebook HERE! I follow-for-follow 100%. Thanks again!


  1. Mad Max: Fury Road blew me out of the water last month. I knew Age of Ultron would be good, so the enjoyment I got out of that was expected--so in a weird way I almost enjoyed Fury Road more simply because it was all a big surprise: I wasn't even planning to see that one in theaters till everyone started recommending it.

    I'm looking forward to Jurassic Park: I'm very hyped, so I hope it doesn't disappoint. I might see Inside Out in theaters, but Pixar/Disney have been disappointing me in recently years (Tangled, Frozen, Brave....yuck yuck yuck to me.) But I want Inside Out to succeed, so fingers crossed. Dope looks interesting. I will probably see Ted 2 at home for free from the library. XD


    1. Yeah Mad Max was nuts. Such a pleasant surprise.

      I truly hope J World doesnt disappoint. I'll be so bummed if it does lol. I really think Inside Out will be the Pixar we used to see 5 years ago (aka: near-perfect)

  2. It sure was a good May. I am looking forwards to June, especially Inside Out.

  3. I want to see "Inside Out" for sure, and maybe "Spy." But first, another viewing of "Age of Ultron" :-D

    1. Sound like Inside Out is the consensus for "Must Watch" of the month for june!


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.