
Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies Released Today!

The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is out in theaters today! For some reason, the US release date is on a Wednesday, instead of a Friday or Thursday, but hey, that means we get it a couple of days earlier! 
Usually, I watch/read other reviews, but with the exception of Rotten Tomatoes, I have decided to avoid most reviews until I actually get to see the film. However, from the little that I have read on Rotten Tomatoes, it seems to be on par with the previous films in the trilogy. Hopefully, I will be able to go see the film sometime next week and have the review up before Christmas. Are you excited for the Hobbit? Please comment below, and do not forget to check back tomorrow for the unveiling of the blog's new header, and Monday for my review of Transformers: Age of Extinction.

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  1. I'll probably watch it when it comes out to DVD with my parents, but I hope you enjoy it! Can't wait to see the new header! :)

  2. I hate to say it, but I'm such an anti-Hobbit person. The Fellowship of the Ring is one of my all time favorite movies, but The Hobbit movies are significant lower in quality compared to LotR. The cast isn't nearly as great as the original films and the movies moved at a much slower pace than before. I'll probably be seeing it today however haha!

  3. Going to see it tonight, but nah, I'm not excited... Ha, who am I kidding? I'm so excited that I'm in denial that I'm actually going to be seeing it tonight! And now that I've forced myself to admit that, I'm starting to get nervous...

  4. I am so excited for this movie! :D Hopefully I get to see it sometime this week(I was going to go today, but most of the people in my family are sick, so I might not be able to).
    I've heard really good things about it, so hopefully we all enjoy it! :D

  5. Gosh I completely forgot this moving was coming out...and I watched all those movies to catch it in theaters! Sounds like a good idea to avoid reviews till you see the movie! I'm not sure now when I'll see this; I'll have to come up with a plan, I guess. Hope it's good!



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.