
Thursday, December 18, 2014

New Blog Header!

Today I unveil a new, and long overdue, header for J and J Productions 1809! Let's do a quick rundown of the various changes. 
First, instead of just replace a few posters, I decided to change things like the blog's slogan, which is now "A Blog About Movies, Anime, TV Shows and Everything Geek," and with the current direction of the blog, it seems to be a better fit. 
As for the other changes, I added the full name of J and J Productions along various new posters from a few popular television and anime, since those topics have almost become more popular than the movies. In addition to that, I replaced all of the posters, even the ones that look the same, with high resolution versions so that the header is clearer. Below the image of the new header, is the old one, so that you can see how it has changed. Hopefully, the new header better reflects the content of J and J Productions since the last update way back in the summer of 2013. Also, has anyone actually seen every film/TV show on the header? Please let me know what you think of the new header in the comments below, and check back Monday for my review of Transformers: Age of Extinction and tomorrow for my review of Akame ga Kill.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Hi James, I have seen all but three of your poster headers. Dr Who is one I am sure to catch up on. I grew up on the Tom Baker Dr.
    All things Geek, well nothing is more Geek on this day than North Korea blackmailing Sony into suspending freedom of speech.

    I just had to wonder if a group like The East hacked an oil company would we surrender so easily? Today for the first time in many centurius North Korea has given us an example where the Sword is mighter than the pen!

    1. Doctor Who is great, I definitely recommend the new series.
      Yeah, that thing with North Korea is insane!


  2. Awesome new header, James! Love it!

  3. The white border around the header looks great and vibrant. Good choice there!

    1. Glad to hear it. The white border really seems to be a choice.


  4. I've seen all but three of the movies whose posters are on your header. :) The Matrix because it's rated R, but I'd be interested to see that one at some point. Nice choices, and the new header looks good. The new slogan is great too. :)

    1. From what I remember, the first Matrix is rather tame for an R movie. There is some profanity and violence, but nothing extreme, granted, I don't remember that much about the content. It is an amazing movie though! :D And thanks!


  5. Cool new header! :D I like it! :D I've seen everything on your header except for Guardians of the Galaxy and X-Men Days of Future Past(I plan on watching them at some point soon).

  6. Looks great James! It's such a simple adjustment, but the white outline around the words does wonders! Very sharp. I do actually like the brighter coloring on the old RotK poster though.

    1. Yeah, the white outline really seems to make a big difference. I should have thought of it sooner, haha!


    2. Good point about RotK poster. Maybe I can find a brighter high res one.


  7. I LOVE IT. I love how the title and slogan now pops! And the higher picture definitions help too! You did a great job!

    Looking at your new poster, the only things I don't think I've seen is Brotherhood (about to be fixed!) and Days of Future Past! :D


  8. I like the white around the letters!

    "Change-header-itis" must be catching -- I just switched out both of my main blogs' headers too! And so have multiple other blogs I follow :-D

    1. The white outlining seems to be a big success, everyone likes it!

      Well, we are about to start a new year, so I suppose it is the season for change. :)



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.