
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wonder Woman Costume Revealed

Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman costume for Batman V Superman has been revealed, and I have to say that it could have been much worse. I'll start with the positives first. Well, Gal looks cool in the costume, at least while she is standing still. I am glad she is wearing a battle skirt thing opposed to pants to keep with the Geek aesthetic, and the Tira looks alright. The sword is cool, and the breastplate looks functional and keeps with the classic design to a degree. On the negatives, it kind of has the look of a costume that you buy at a costume store. The gauntlets do not look heavy enough or like metal, and the overall look of the costume doesn't seem heavy enough. Marvel has done an excellent job with costumes based on ancient designs like the Asgardians in Thor, so why can't DC do it as well? Also, her Lasso of Truth is barely visible and should probably stand out more. Overall, not bad. Gadot might actually have what it takes, and maybe it will look better on film. What do you think? Please comment below and let me know.

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  1. I like it, just wish there was a bit more color. The tiara doesn't look right to me but like you said, could have been much worse.

    1. I definitely agree about the color. The think the point on the tiara just doesn't look right or something. I don't know what it is, but the more I look at it, the worse it looks on Gal's face.


  2. Okay. Elephant in the room: Modesty anyone? Her outfit really does nothing except give guys something to gawk at. Heck, it doesn't even look functional. No one would fight in a miniskirt. I would have been much happier with pants, at least. And yes, I understand in the comics this was her battle garb. That doesn't make it acceptable. IMO, Snyder (or the powers that be) should have left her in the comics. Dawn of Justice is going to be convoluted enough as it is.... But so a to not to come off as a complete Debbie Downer: the sword's kinda cool. :)

    1. You do have a point about the modesty, and the functionality of it, although Snyder is not known for his work with female characters for a reason. As for the skirt, Spartans, Scottish, and everyone before pants did fight in skirts, so that is not a big problem for me. I do completely agree about Dawn of Justice being so convoluted and overstuffed (I ranted about it a while back). I did think you were all aboard the DC Hyper-Train before, but I am glad to hear your opinion of the new film now. I have already given up on it actually being good. Anything more than fun and stupid will be impressive for me. Thanks for the input! :)


    2. Yeah. Her outfit is way to skimpy. I was really hoping that they would give WW a awesome,modest outfit (Those things really do go together :) It's a pity this DC movie line is'nt turning out so well, It had so much potential.

    3. Alright, you've got a point about skirt. But the Spartans wore something more like a loincloth if not in their actual armor, and the Scots' kilts weren't made out of leather nor were they mini. And the Spartans and the Scots were men. ;) But I digress. As to me being on the DC Hyper-Train, nope. Really the only DC movies I love are the TDK trilogy movies. And Man of Steel was fun. And I've begun to really like the TV show Arrow. But other than that, they have absolutely nothing on Marvel in terms of story, action, characters, and an all around good time. :) I will say, the pictures released at Comic-Con of Batman's Supes-bashing battle armor for Dawn of Justice look awesome. I might rent the movie just to see how that scene goes down.... xD

    4. @Isaacbenjamin: As soon as Snyder was attached to the project, all potential went out the window.

      @Jake P: I do agree with you about the mini part. My thought about this movie is that it could have been worse, like the swimsuit like costume without pants or a skirt. I agree with you about Arrow too. I have finished the first season and it was actually solid and a lot of fun. Glad to hear your opinion of the BVS movie now. And I agree, a rental would probably be best.


  3. Comparing this to what I've seen in the comic pictures, it looks like DC is doing it again! Gotta make everything dark and deep. What happened to the color?!


    1. Haha, true. Way to dull in the color department. I think Zack Snyder is color blind, so it doesn't matter to him!


  4. I am a huge fan of Wonder Woman and have been waiting for a proper movie to be made for her since the day I was born. XD Ok obviously that's an exaggeration but still. It's about time. It looks like they're going for the dark gritty look, which all super hero movies have been getting. I guess I'm ok with that, but does her outfit have to be that drained of color? At first sight it looks kind of cool, but something about it seems a little cheesy and I don't know, it's just off. But I still have hope.

    1. Although it really bothers me that super heroines always need to have high heels. :/

    2. I think the costume lacks weight, which is what is making it look cheesy. It doesn't like enough like metal after you look at it enough.


  5. As many have mentioned before- where's the color! It just looks so washed out and almost boring. I like that it looks relatively functional, as if it were made out of some heavy leather/metal combo.

    those boots are killing me, though, they look so... fake. Idk they just look really strange with the costume.

    1. Yep, complete lack of color; not uncommon for DC though (they really should do something about that).

      I haven't paid much attention to the boots, but I think I agree with you. They don't look right.


  6. She looks much hotter in Fast and Furious costumes

    1. James, I rest my case....

    2. Steve,

      Contrary to what modern culture might tell you, telling a woman she's 'hot' is not a compliment, and if the girl has any dignity, she won't take it as one. It sets her up as an object to be valued or 'graded' simply by her looks. 'Hot' is how immature boys, who have little honor or respect, describe girls. I would recommend using a different adjective in future.


    3. Totally true! Call her smart, nice, cool or awesome...etc. Anything is better than hot.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.