
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Korra Moving to Digital?

The Legend of Korra, the popular Avatar: The Last Airbender spinoff, is said to be moving to digital after the first few episodes of the seasons received low viewership. As of now, all the creators are saying is that more information will be revealed at Comic-Con. While I have yet to watch The Legend of Korra, I am working my way through the Avatar series so that I can catch up with the fandom, but I wanted to update Korra fans on what is going on. What digital site the series is moving to is unknown, but considering that the majority of the series' fanbase ranges from teenages to adults, moving to digital distribution is a good idea. Maybe the series will air on Netflix, the Nickelodeon website, and some have even suggested Crunchyroll, although I am not a fan of the idea since only premium members will be about to see it in HD. What do you think of the news? Please comment below and let me know. Also check back for more Comic Con news.

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  1. This is pretty disappointing news. Since I don't have cable, I haven't been able to watch it on TV, but I was hoping for the season to finish it's run on TV anyway. I hope it's not on a place like Netflix since I don't have an account on that site.

    1. Good point. Maybe they will upload it on a Nick website, but this is still very strange.


  2. One a random note, I saw you crossed off 'Fight Club' from your bucket list, what did you think of it?

    1. In short, the movie was great; full of epic manliness and shocking plot twists. It is one of my new favorite movies.


  3. I was so angry when I heard of this. Nickelodeon has been mistreating The Legend of Korra since the start. They can't make their minds up - they kept changing what time they aired it, they had it online then they took it off, now it's back on and they won't air it on tv anymore. There has always been a serious lack of communication between Nick and the fans. It's incredibly disrespectful to the creators, who put so much work and effort into the show, and to the fans, who have loved watching it for years. They decided to air book 3 early with little warning and hardly had any ads for it, then blamed it on the fans for the low viewership. And I can't believe they suddenly decided to stop airing it in the middle of the series out of nowhere. I mean, it doesn't affect me personally since I watched it online anyway, but there are lots of people who liked watching it on tv and it's just really sad to see it go like that. This news is just really upsetting to me. :/ Mostly I'm just really mad at Nickelodeon for their poor treatment of the show and the fandom. Even Zuko couldn't help them regain their honor now.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.