
Friday, June 27, 2014

My Movie Bucket-List

Today, I have compiled a Bucket-List of popular and critically acclaimed movies that I need to watch at some point. If you know of some movies that are not on the list that you think I should watch, please comment and let me know. My goal is to eventually watch most of the movies on the list, even if some of them are not ones that I particularly want to watch, but rather feel the need to watch due to popularity or critical praise. Since I already know that I will watch some of the more recent films like The Lego Movie, I have not included movies from the last year. Lately, I have even started catching up on some highly regarded Asian films like Oldboy and The Host, so if there is an Asian film that I should watch, please let me know. My goal is to watch several of these movies before the end of the year. Also, of course, you cannot know if I have already seen a movie that you recommend, so just please leave some suggestions and I will reply to comment about whether or not I have seen the movie in question. I have also added a new page for the Bucket-List and as I watch more of the movies, I will use the "Strikethrough" feature to mark the ones that I have seen. So, without further ado, here is the list.
  • 12 Angry Men
  • 13 Assassins
  • A Beautiful Mind
  • A Christmas Story
  • A Clockwork Orange
  • American Splendor
  • Annie Hall
  • All About Eve
  • Army of Darkness
  • The Artist
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Bonnie and Clyde
  • Brazil
  • The Cat Returns
  • Charlie Bartlett
  • Chinatown
  • City Lights
  • Clue
  • The Crow
  • The Departed
  • District 9
  • Django Unchained
  • Double Indemnity
  • Duck Soup
  • Edward Scissorhands
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Exam
  • Following
  • Frago
  • Ferris Bueller's Day Off
  • Fight Club
  • The French Connection
  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Ghost World
  • The Graduate
  • Grease
  • Hellboy
  • Ikiru
  • Identity
  • Infernal Affairs
  • Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
  • Ip Man Trilogy
  • King Kong
  • Legend of the Drunken Master
  • Leon: The Professional
  • Looper
  • Mad Max Trilogy
  • The Man from Nowhere
  • Memento
  • Memories of Murder
  • Metropolis
  • Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
  • Network
  • Night of the Living Dead
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • On the Waterfront
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • Perks of Being a Wallflower
  • Platoon
  • Ponyo
  • Pulp Fiction
  • The Raid: Redemption
  • Raising Arizona
  • Raging Bull
  • Ran
  • Road to Perdition
  • Schindler's List
  • Scream Sequels
  • Se7en
  • The Shining
  • Silver Linings Playbook
  • Singin’ in the Rain
  • The Sound of Music
  • Sunset Blvd.
  • Taxi Driver
  • The Thing
  • Trainspotting
  • Upside Down
  • Yojimbo
Reader Suggestions:
Note: Since writing this post, I watched Memento, hence why there is a line through it.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Can't wait till you see some of these! Can't wait to find out what you thought of Memento; wasn't it good?!

    You should add Corpse Bride to your list so you can compare it to the more popular The Nightmare Before Christmas; I'd be interested in seeing if you like either or which one you liked more. :) (Also I noticed you didn't put down The Wind Rises, did you see it already? I saw it last it IT WAS SO GOOD.)


    1. Nope, haven't seen the Wind Rises yet, but I did forget to add it to the list. It is there now, thanks for reminding me! I will have to watch the movie soon though! :D


  2. I haven't seen many of these either, but I must recommend that you make Ferris Bueller's Day off a top priority. That movie is all kinds of awesome. :D

    Absolutely fantastic but less known movies that I think everyone who likes movies should see include:
    Minority Report
    The Way, Way Back

    That's all I can currently think of anyway. :P

    Fun post James!

    1. Oh really, I did not know it was that good! :D

      Thank you for the other suggestions! I completely forgot to add Koon and the Minority Report to the list, and I have heard of the others on your blog and other places. Thanks again!


  3. Great choices! :D A lot of those movies are ones I want to watch as well! :) I'd also recommend Les Miserables and Mulan :) Big Fish was also a fun film.
    I haven't watched the movie, but the book of "Perks of Being a Wallflower" wasn't that great. I have heard the movie was a lot better, though(and from what I've seen, it is).

    1. Thanks! :) I watched Mulan quite some time again, but I have seen it. :) I have not seen the others though, thanks, I will add them! Also, thanks for the heads up about Wallflower too.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Once again you've found your choices. I'd recommend The Lion King and the original Tron feature. Also you can't forget about Top Gun that was so memorable, you won't need to forget the line "I feel the need, the need for speed".

    If you can just forgive me for having sent you a reply on X-Men Days of Future Part that you'll meant to love it not hate it.

    1. I have already seen The Lion King, but thanks for the other suggestions! I do really need to see Tron and Top Gun.


  6. I could also recommend Oh brother where art thou, its a great movie(don't let the title put you off). and I hope you like Edward scissor hands I personally loved it, well at least the artistic side anyway. also have you seen sixth sense?

    1. Actually, I have already seen Oh Brother Where Art Thou. It has been a while, but I did enjoy the movie. Ah, no I have not seen the Sixth Sense, I need to add that, thanks!


  7. You have quite a bit of South Korean films on there. That is definitely a good thing. they are PHENOMENAL films, way better than what Hollywood throws out there. Definitely Park's Vengeance Trilogy (Mr Vengeance,Oldboy,Lady Vengeance) and Anything by Bong joon-ho (Memories of Murder, The Host, Mother, Snowpiercer). And much more. Much of them are on Netflix (Mr Vengeance, Oldboy, Lady Vengeance, The Man From Nowhere, The Host, I Saw The Devil, The Chaser).

    Heres a list of my favorites:

    This is My review of 'Oldboy' a top 5 movie of all time for me. Its perfect. (also have other reviews of SK Films)

    One last haven't seen THE Best Movie of All Time, John Carpenter's 'The Thing"....travesty, get on that!

  8. Agreed, Korean movies are phenomenal! Unfortunately, it was not until very recently that I have discovered them, so I have some catching up to do. Oldboy was great, and I plan to watch Mr Vengeance in a few minutes actually. The Host is one of my new favorites as well. Thanks for those other suggestions! I added them to the list, and thanks for the link to your list. I will have to look into those as well.

    I will go check out your blog now as well.

    Working on seeing The Thing, maybe it will be on Netflix soon! And thanks for the comment.


    1. What did you think of 'Mr Vengeance'? Its a very interesting story (lot of ideas thrown in. But I'd probably rank it last in the Vengeance Trilogy. (Mr Vengeance<Lady Vengeance<Oldboy)

    2. While it certainly was not nearly as good as Oldboy, although I expected as much, it was certainly intriguing. I loved the style of the movie; it was always visually interesting even when nothing was happening. Seeing Song Kang-ho in a more dramatic role was refreshing, and I loved Bae Doona in her role. While the majority of the movie was good, the 1st Act *Spoilers* was my favorite part since it balanced the humor and drama with Ryu's sister's suicide. Today or tomorrow I plan to watch Lady Vengeance.


    3. Yeah Kang is one of my favorite actors after watching him a lot in SK movies! Really excited for 'Snowpiercer' with him and Bong. He has a small cameo in Lady Vengeance (Which has way more style, its great to look at!) I thought the last scene in Mr Vengeance was very surprisingly, *spoilers* that she wasn't lying about her involvement

    4. Just finished Lady Vengeance, and I have to say that it was very good. I agree with your ranking the Vengeance movies. Oldboy is, by far, the best, but the other two are still top notch. Seeing Kang make a cameo was fun! And I agree, Lady Vengeance looked phenomenal in terms of the style and visuals. I am excited for Snowpiercer ever since I heard about it a few months ago.

      I agree about Mr Vengeance's last scene. I thought she was lying as well. When those guys attack the Kang's character I had no idea why they would randomly kill a guy, but when they stabbed the message into his chest, it was a great reveal.


  9. Wow. So much movies to see.

    You must have excellent time management skills to do so much in life!


    1. Well, I doubt I will see a lot of these movies anytime soon, but I like having a list of movies because I forget some of the movies suggest to me. But Thanks B2B!


  10. This is a great list! I love this idea. I also suggest these, most of which are classics, and all of which I'd consider must-watches for movie buffs. They're all influential, oft-referenced, and many are just plain fun. I've left off things I remember you've seen.

    The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
    Anatomy of a Murder
    Arsenic and Old Lace
    The Best Years of Our Lives
    The Great Escape
    Hamlet (1990, 1996, 2000 -- all great for different reasons)
    The Hunt for Red October
    Lawrence of Arabia
    The Longest Day
    The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
    The Mark of Zorro (1940)
    North by Northwest
    Old Yeller
    Roman Holiday
    The Searchers
    The Seven-Year Itch
    Some Like it Hot
    The Thin Man
    To Have and Have Not
    To Kill a Mockingbird
    West Side Story (someone else suggested this, but I need to second it!)

    1. Thanks for the long list! I have actually more than half of the those movies (several are on my Top 100) with the exceptions of: Anatomy of a Murder, Arsenic and Old Lace, The Best Years of Our Lives, Hamlet, Laura, Oklahoma!, Old Yeller, Oscar, Roman Holiday, The Thin Man, and West Side Story. Thanks again!


    2. Excellent! I think "Anatomy of a Murder" will especially fascinate you.

    3. Oh really? I considered watching it the other day on Netflix but decided against for the time being, I will have to watch it sooner than later! Also, your suggestions are added to the list now. I had something come up while updating the post earlier. :)


    4. It's an excellent murder mystery AND a psychological drama, directed by that master of film noir, Otto Preminger. He also directed Laura, which I put on your list too because it's such an iconic bit of noir (and in your list it's attached to Oklahoma! for some reason. Ahhh, Blogger!) Anatomy is one of my favorite Jimmy Stewart movies, one where he's weary and serious, but not grumpy.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.