
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hunger Games: Mockingjay Teaser Trailer

The first trailer for The Hunger Games: Mockingjay: Part 1 is here! In line with other viral marketing teases, this is like an announcement by President Snow to the people of Panem, and Peeta is standing beside Snow! Apparently, readers of the book are not surprised by this revelation, but as someone who has avoided reading the book and spoilers in general. Considering that Catching Fire turned out to be one of the best movies of last year, I am most definitely excited for Mockingjay: Part 1, and I am going to see it in theaters, so it is not like the trailer has to sell me on the movie. While not particularly special, this teaser is better than most teasers. What did you think of the teaser? Please comment below and check back tomorrow for My Movie Bucket-List.
On a sidenote, you may remember that I posted about the Hunger Games: Mockingjay filming in my hometown. While I am not sure if the footage will be used in part one or two of Mockingjay, I am certainly excited to see it, and you can check out the original post with my covertly taken set pictures by clicking here.

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  1. There are no words. I. Am. So. Excited.

  2. That's cool! That's an interesting teaser trailer- it reminds me a bit of politician political advertisements(though Panem's is freaky!). Yeah, I'm not surprised by Peeta being there.
    I look forward to the movie! :D

    1. Yeah it does, in a weird Panem kind of way. XD


  3. I had a mini freak-out session when I first saw this. And even though I've read the books I was surprised they showed Peeta there. It seems a bit spoilery, but I guess it's a good marketing strategy!

    Probably the most teaser-y teaser I've ever seen. Snow might as well be saying, "Haha! You have to wait till NOVEMBER to see this!"

    1. Really? I wonder why they would show this so soon!? But if it works, I guess it works.


  4. I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED to see this movie! As to the trailer, it's rather smart!



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