
Monday, May 19, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man 2 Podcast

The first of my podcasts is here, and today we discuss The Amazing Spider-Man 2. To make listening to the podcast easier, you can click on the annotations on the video to skip to the different topics of the podcast. If you are a mobile user, you can click here to watch the video on YouTube where you can click on links in the description to easily jump to different topics. Please let us know what you think of the podcast, and please enjoy. 

If you want to know more about today's guests from the podcast, you checkout Jordan's blog RATH'S REVIEWS by clicking here, and you check out Jamie's blog Through Two Blue Eyes by clicking here.

Below are links to my previous podcasts.
Podcast #1
Podcast #2
Podcast #3

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. I caught a few clips of the podcast (which I liked). As a critic, let me answer why I didn't like Spider-Man. I always go into a movie thinking it will be good regardless of what genre it is. The reasons I didn't give it a positive review are as follows: I thought the movie couldn't hold all the story threads (three villains, one who should have been cut completely), I still can't get into the whole "Peter as the Chosen One" plot, and I never liked a movie that seems to be nothing more than a trailer for another movie (ASM2 being almost a Sinister Six trailer). It isn't so much that I didn't like ASM2 (though I didn't), it's that I'm more disappointed by it.

    1. Thank you for explaining your take on the movie and why you were not a fan of it. However, I do disagree with you on most points except that the Rhino was mostly unnecessary, because I like the different take on Spidey's origin with the "Chosen One" plot. But I do respect your opinion.


  2. Firstly, awesome podcast guys, really. This is one of the first podcasts I've listened all the way through (I don't usually listen to podcasts, I normally prefer reading thoughts when it comes to the internet) but this one was awesome (I must go back and listen to the other ones, because I missed some of those somehow). Another thing, I'm glad to see some people enjoyed the movie, because I personally loved the movie, I thought it was brilliant, and I could re-watch it a thousand times, and I honestly can't see why anyone would hate the movie (or the Web-Head. Who could hate Spidey??). I thought it was top notch. Some say the tone was sort of here and there, like humor here, heartbreak the next second, action in the next, but I think it was done extremely well. (Spoilers Ahead): I like that at the beginning, they basically showed Spidey doing his thing. Facing a villain who wasn't out for world domination or nothing, just a plain old thief with a truck, and Spidey being a smart mouth, and just being Spidey. The whole beginning scene with Spidey was just hilarious and awesome, and I love it when Spidey trying to keep up with all the vials. One of my only complaints about the movie was him and Gwen breaking up, because I litterally went, 'Uh, no, no! You're not supposed to break-up!', and also it was like, 'well....' that scene might not happen now. I thought that Electro was a cool villain, a bit more crazier than I was expecting, to be honest, but I think the sudden change between fan to villain seemed to fit the character-and the state of his mind at that moment. Another small complaint was all the flashing lights in the film, especially during the Goblin scene, and I really think that Sony should've mentioned that in case people with seizures and stuff were watching, so that was my complaint. The movie had me cheering for Peter and Gwen, and also going, 'No, no, that'll lead to the scene', so, yeah. That scene in particular was just amazing. I agree, it was done beautifully. I've never actually read the scene in the comic itself, but I've seen it in different versions, and I've scene the panels in specials or online, and I think they adapted it wonderfully. I was amazing because it had my heart racing like, and then the eventually fall, and him going down there to find her, was really sad, but I didn't tear up until Peter started crying, and that night that scene kept going through my head, and I was like 'that was just a really sad scene they did there'. I think the Peter/Gwen story is just really tragic. And this is getting a lot longer than I expected, but I could talk about this movie for ages, so... I agree it was an awesome movie, and I think it handled everything just right, and it was hilarious. Again, awesome podcast!

    1. First off, thanks for the extra long comment; I appreciate it!

      I know! I do not understand how so many people dislike Spidey! He is such a likable character. He is just your typical guy that happens to get special powers. I agree with you about him facing a villain that was not necessarily threatening the entire world, but rather New York and the people closest to Peter. And I agree with you on all points! Fortunately though, the flashing did not bother me in the theater, but that is probably the theater environment than the movie itself.


  3. It sounds great, James!!! I had lots of fun, thanks for having me on! :D


  4. Great podcast, everyone! :) I really enjoyed listening to it and it makes me want to watch the movie even more now! :D(I did skip the last death spoiler- I know who dies since I guessed, but I don't want to know how it happens). My sister saw it as well and she said it was good, so hopefully I can go see it later this week(I did finally see Captain America: The Winter Soldier yesterday, so that was nice).
    And I agree, certain movies do seem to appeal to certain age-groups(I've noticed that a lot as well),

    1. Thank you! :) I am glad you enjoyed the podcast, and I hope you get to see the film soon.
      Awesome! I am glad that you finally got to see Cap. :D



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.