
Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Winter Olympics have Begun!

The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Russian have officially begun! Being a sports fan, of course I will be watching the Olympics this year! U.S.A! U.S.A! Since I have not seen any Olympic themed movies, I cannot make a best of list or review anything like that, but I can tie this into one of the themes of J and J Production, John Williams music. Nothing gets me ready for the Olympics more than John Williams' iconic "Olympic Fanfare and Theme." If you did not already know, that iconic music played during every Olympics was composed by legendary composer, John Williams, aka the best composer to ever walk the face of the earth! And the full theme is posted below. Even though I watch most of the events that come on during prime-time, my favorite events are snowboarding, skiing, speed skating, and the highly underrated Curling, which I enjoy because it is an intellectual sport. What are your favorite events? Are you watching the Olympics? Which country are you pulling for? Please comment below!

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  1. Agree about John Williams. I like his scores for Superman: The Movie, Catch Me If You Can, Jurassic Park, Home Alone and Jaws. Such an iconic career.


    1. He did the soundtrack to Hone Alone? I did not know that one, but of course I know the other ones. Let's hope he can pull out another iconic score in the upcoming Star Wars Ep. 7!


  2. There's a bobsled team from Jamaica of all places that got there by crowdfunding. It would be kind of funny if they won their event...

    1. Yes, I have heard about them and their crowdfunding, and I have to say that it is impressive. It would be funny if they did win wouldn't it.


  3. hey did not know that john williams composed the music but this one is going on my ipod asap!!!!!!
    unfortunately i wont be watching the Olympics as we don't watch tv we did last year though and i really enjoyed it loved the speed skating.
    and i one hundred percent agree about John williams the greatest composer EVER!!!!!!!

    1. Cool! It is one of his many great themes!
      Actually, you should be able to watch the Olympics on if you want to do that. I am not sure what time, but they are streaming it live.


  4. I didn't know John Williams did that music! Cool!

    I don't think I'll be seeing the Olympics this year *SOBS* unless it gets on the Internet but anyway, I wish I could (It's been ages since I've seen either Olympics anyway, but I remember watching them when I was younger and really liking it.) I love the figure skating and snow boarding for the winter Olympics. I'm not sure I remember how Curling goes but I do remember watching it! :) And, of course, I'm rooting for America!! Go, Team USA! :D


    1. You should be able to watch the Olympics on I am not sure if you have to sign with a TV subscription, but they are streaming it live for people to watch. :) USA USA! :D



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