
Friday, February 7, 2014

Lego Movie Review-Roundup

The Lego Movie is a movie that almost everyone is looking forward to and considering the reviews, it is not going to disappoint! Not yet have I read a negative review from one of my trusted critics and the general opinion is essentially positive. Without a doubt this movie is going to get an Oscar Nomination, and it might actually be in the running for the Best Animated Feature since Pixar is absent and Disney Animation is making a comic book movie, which the Academy hates. I am not sure if I will watch the movie in theaters. It really depends on whether or not my local theater decides to carry it and if I can find time that my college courses are taking up. 

Rotten Tomatoes: 99%: Wow! Normally Rotten Tomatoes is not always the best at determining whether or not a movie is good, but a 99% is just amazing! Literally one person thus far has given the movie a negative review; that is on par with the reviews for the Pixar movies when they actually were good. However, The Lego Movie is actually going to be incredibly funny, or at least I hope so. Please note though, that the Rotten Tomatoe meter is subject to change when more reviews are posted. 9.0/10- "In the end, it’s heartening that despite all of the licensed characters, The LEGO Movie remembers there’s something much more enduring – and that’s LEGO itself. It really gets to the heart of what the toy is all about and why it has prospered for over 60 years. It’s a film that believes everyone can be creative; that everyone is special; and that imagination is so powerful it can flourish even within a system bound by rules."

Jeremy Jahns: Buy it on Blu-Ray: He liked the movie for the most part, although he had some problems with certain aspects of it.

 Christ Stuckmann: A-: Stuckmann praised the film for making fun of the typical tropes from Hollywood films and that the movie had a surprisingly heartwarming story.

SchomesKnow: 3.75/5 and 4/5- "They could have easily mailed this thing in and just made it for kids, but I thing when you grew up playing with Legos and you are an adult now, you can really have a lot of fun with this film, even if you go by yourself."

Are you going to see The Lego Movie? What are your thoughts on this overwhelming positive reception? Please comment below!

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  1. Glad to hear it is doing well :) I won't be seeing it in theaters, but I do hope to catch it when it comes out on DVD- it looks like something I'd enjoy, since I played with legos as a kid :)

    1. DVD will likely be how I will end up seeing the movie.


  2. I'm so flipping excited to see this movie and I feel so relieved that nearly all reviews so far have been positive. I hope your theater decides to run the movie so you can go see it if you do find time! If everything goes smoothly, I'll be taking my brother to one of the afternoon showings today because I can't wait to see it at all! It will hopefully be a great experience for him, especially since legos are his thing. If I am able to see it today, I will have to come back with my brief spoiler free impression! :D


    1. I saw it! It was fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *can't talk any more for fear of spoiling something*

    2. That's great! I can't wait to see the movie!


  3. I saw the trailer for this movie when I went to see Frozen and it looked great! I probably won't get to see it though. Wow, 99% on Rotten tomatoes? That's impressive. Rotten Tomatoes is usually really hard on films.

    This is really off topic but I saw your tweet about Fullmetal Alchemist:Brotherhood on the side and I was wondering, have you watched Avatar: The Last Airbender (the tv show not the horrible movie) and/or The Legend of Korra?

    I just started Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood recently and I already love it. :D Did you watch the dubbed version or the version with subtitles?

    1. I am still surprised by the high Rotten Tomatoes rating.

      No, I have not seen Avatar or Legend of Korra yet, but most of my friends have recommended it to me, and I am interested in it since I have read that Fullmetal Alchemist actually inspired Avatar to a degree.

      That's great! I am glad you are enjoying! The show starts out relatively slow, so expect it to get even better. :D I watched it in dub, and I have to say that it is one of the better dubs I have seen (or it is heard?). Which are you watching?


    2. One of my friends recommended watching it dubbed, so that's what I'm watching. I had finished Attack on Titan with subtitles before beginning Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, so I was really used to listening to Japanese and reading subtitles. I kept expecting the characters to talk in Japanese. XD But yeah, so far the dubbed version seems pretty good. I've heard dubbed versions are usually bad.

    3. Oh, and you should definitely watch Avatar! Trust me, it is so worth watching. It's now my most favorite animated show ever. Great animation, characters, story, music, every part of it is awesome, and the action scenes are amazing. I don't usually like action scenes, but I love them in Avatar. Martial arts is just so beautiful. Legend of Korra is amazing as well. Season 1 (or "book 1") has a really awesome villain, and the last half of book 2 blew me away, especially the finale.

    4. IMHO Most dubs being bad is a myth. The majority of dubs made after Cowboy Bebop are usually very good. Obviously there are still some mediocre ones, but for ones made after 2000, they are great. In the future, I would recommend watching a series dubbed, and if you do not like it, switch to the sub. I do not have a problem with subs because I watch them sometimes like Kara no Kyoukai, but dubs are usually underrated. If you want any anime recommendations let me know, I have researched a lot of anime. :)

      I have a lot of anime on my watch-list first, but I do plan to watch Avatar at some point! It looks great and everyone keeps telling me its awesome! :)


  4. Also, have you seen Attack on Titan? If you haven't, you should consider watching it! it's really good! :)

    1. Attack on Titan is at the top of my must-watch list, and while have not bought anime in the past, but I think that will wait for the American release and buy it. :)


  5. Planning on it. Looks great!

    "Haha! First try!"

    gotta love it. :)

  6. I'm going this week. My local theater got it today! Though since it's a comedy I probably won't get all of it until the dvd comes out.

  7. Just watched this on Valentines Day (Yeah, not the best movie for Valentines, but yeah). It was pretty good actually. I'm almost surprised that a title so comedic will turn out to be very emotional, with all that 'you are special' 'you just have to believe' etc etc Kung Fu Panda style. I liked it a lot.

    I admit that I watched it because of this post! It got my curiosity.

    1. Hearing that from is convincing me that I might need to go watch the movie! And I am glad that this post was able to convince you to go see it.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.