
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Blogging Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! While many of you might be making New Year's resolutions like working out more, or whatever normal people that actually have a life do, I have been making some New Year's resolutions about Blogging, and what I plan for J and J Productions in the future. Below I have different topics and then I elaborate on them.

Return of the Podcast: Last year I made a few podcast episodes with some of my cyber-friends/collaborators, and even though the podcasts were an epic fail in terms of success on the blog, they were so much fun to make that I have to make more! Unfortunately, I doubt that I will be able to bring back the podcast until my summer break after the spring semester since I will not be taking summer class. My plan for the podcast is to be more focused on a certain topic like anime, The Walking Dead, Sherlock, etc, and it will feature more than one guest if possible. Also, they will hopefully be shorter, and therefore easier to make and listen to. Below are the links to my previous podcasts if you want to listen to them.
Podcast #3

Post Everyday: My number one goal of last year was to continue posting day, and despite college taking up the majority of my time, I not only managed to post everyday, my posts were higher in quality (hopefully that is what you think as well) and had more variety. I believe I only missed one day all year, and that was when I was in the hospital because of an unexpected illness. God willing, I will be able to continue to post everyday through 2014.

More Video Game Reviews: When I am not doing college, writing for the blog, or watching movies/TV, I am most likely playing a video game, and since playing video games is something that I enjoy doing, I plan to have a few more reviews of various games. Unfortunately, not that many of you are actually interested in video games, but I still plan to post some. My upcoming reviews include Mass Effect 2 and 3, Star Wars: KOTOR, and the Batman: Arkham trilogy.

Actually Finish Lists: Before the end of the year, I started a list of my favorite television shows and Top 10 Movie Battle scenes, and neither has been posted. That is mostly because both lists have had some drastic changes, especially the TV Shows list because I have a lot of great TV since starting the list. Also, my Top 100 Movies list needs a major overhaul.

More Anime Reviews: Anime is another somewhat unpopular topic on J and J Productions since it is such a niche fandom. Despite this, I became a fan of several shows and films over the course of last year and I plan to continue watching even more next year. Since anime series are short, I will hopefully have reviews of movies as well as series throughout the year. Maybe I will post one every other week for the few Otakus that are interested in reading them. However, if more people are interested, I will surely post even more.

Seeing More Movies in Theaters: This was one of my goals last year and I actually managed to accomplish it! Over the course of last year, I went to see seven movies in the theater, and while that does not sound like a lot by most people's standards, it was a lot for me considering my low amount of money.

Continue Commenting: Despite college, I have been able to continue to comment on other blogs, or at least I try my best. Basically, I will comment on most blogs that I follow that post about something that I am interested in. Also I need to try to spot mentioning anime on blogs that do not care anything about the topic because I notice way too many similarities between anime and modern movies now.

Watch The Godfather and Other "Classics": Yes, I have yet to see the Godfather, but I plan to watch the first two films. However, I did manage to watch other "classics" such as Citizen Kane, the Shawshank Redemption, and 2001: A Space Odyssey which I will post my reviews for at some point.

Do you have any blogging resolutions for the year? Please comment below and let me know what you think of mine.

Also I forgot to give a shout out in my 1000th post to the guest authors that helped J and J Productions reach that number. Thanks Jamie, Jordan, JT, Rebecca, and Shena Tokala for the guests posts!

Now I leave you with a humorous panel from my friend's favorite comic strip.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Happy New Year!
    I wish you luck with college, and I'm sorry to hear you were in the hospital for a short time.
    Looking forward to more podcasts and the reviews on the games. The series I play the most often is Gears of War, and I don't know much about other series!
    Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you Tagen! Yeah, I was sick back in the summer and I had to go to the hospital, but I'm all good now. :) The Gears of War games are great. The third one is probably my favorite. By the way, do you have an Xbox Live account or play online in Gears of War?


  2. Happy New Year! Looking forward to more anime and movie reviews, and updates on the latest titles!

    1. Thanks Arvin! Hopefully I can get those anime movie and series reviews finished soon.


  3. Happy New Year!! Your blogging resolutions are great! I also want to see the Godfather series, I actually have it on my bucket list. :P Although I am not a fan of anime, I would still be interested in reading about the ones you like or dislike, so don't be discouraged about posting reviews for it. Thanks for always making an effort to comment, it's very appreciated. Also I hope you'll be able to keep seeing movies in theaters like last year. :)


    1. Thank you Jamie, I'm glad to know that you are interested in reading my anime, even if you are not particularly interested in the genre. :) It was a lot of fun actually seeing more movies in theaters, even The Lone Ranger, which wasn't very good.


  4. Happy New Year! :D :) I hope you're able to achieve your resolutions this year as well! :)
    I'd definitely like to see posts on anime- I'm not as obsessed as my sister, but I have loved the ones I've seen and I plan on watching more in the future :) Great! I saw a good number of movies this year too(same here, I don't usually go to the theater all that much either).
    Have a good 2014 :D

    1. Thanks! :D I hope you enjoy the other anime series you watch. There are a lot really great ones that I think you would enjoy. :)


  5. Happy New Year James, you caught some great classics last year, IMHO the Godfather Trilogy is like Citizen Kane, great in its time but does not stand the test of time like Shawshank or 2001. I would advise all film lovers to resolve to see Upstream Color this year.

    1. Thanks Steve! I agree, Citizen Kane was great for what it was, but it does not hold up that well today. I need to watch Upstream Color. Maybe I can catch it on TV sometime.


  6. Sounds like you have some great plans for this upcoming year, I'm sure you'll get it all done!

  7. Nice resolutions! :)
    By they way, I was just wondering where you watch anime movies, I've looked up a few of the ones you mentioned on this blog on Amazon but none of them were available for instant streaming...
    Have a great new year!

    1. Thanks S. :)
      As for the anime movies, I typically watch them at the website I linked below. You have to go through a lot of annoying ads and mute the chat box and stuff, but when you get it working, its great. That is the only place I would really find them though.


  8. Happy New Year! Who needs "normal" resolutions - "aren't ordinary people adorable?" Your blog is already great but those are some great resolution ideas! Good luck this year with school and your blog!

    1. Lol, Exactly! "Normal" is overrated! Thanks Arda!


  9. You are a really dedicated Blogger! I agree that more video game reviews would be cool. More Anime would be interesting too. Happy New year!


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.