
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lady Sif on Agents of SHIELD

On the upcoming fifteenth episode of Agents of SHIELD Jaimie Alexander will reprise her of Lady Sif from the Thor films. Now Agents of SHIELD might finally deliver on the massive crossover potential that we expected from the series from the start. Hopefully she will not be a just quick cameo, but rather a central aspect of the story. So, if Sif sees Coulson and tells Thor that he is not dead, I wonder what will Thor's reaction be, although Sif has probably never heard of Coulson before. Hopefully the Lady Sif costume that Jaimie Alexander wore in Thor: The Dark World will be used again, because the props used in the show thus far have been terrible, particularly the Berserker Staff from last Asgardian crossover. Regardless, Lady Sif is the first step in the right direction that Agents of SHIELD needs to take if it wants to be successful, but it might be too little too late. What do you think of this news? Please comment below, and check back tomorrow for my review of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

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  1. I saw this a few days ago, and I'm pretty excited, especially since Sif didn't have much to do in Thor: The Dark World(it will be cool to see Jaime Alexander in a TV show again, since I first saw her on the TV show Kyle XY). Hopefully it will be well done and help get the show from good to amazing. :)

  2. Hmm this is interesting. I'm not exactly thrilled because I don't really like the character, but I guess I would like it if we got more character development and back story for her, if that will be at all possible in one episode. Otherwise, she just seems like a filler character to me. :-/


  3. It would be great if her part was more than a cameo, but I wouldn't bet on it, still, I'm looking forward to it. And here's to Fandral getting a turn too sometime! :D


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