
Saturday, January 18, 2014

Batman vs. Superman Release Pushed 10 Months

Reports have confirmed that the upcoming Batman vs. Superman's release date has been pushed 10 months to May 6, 2016! Wow, that is shocking news about the Man of Steel of sequel. DC needs to get their stuff together, and maybe later release date will give them enough time to make a half decent movie. Also, the movie does not stand a chance against Avengers: Age of Ultron, which is another good reason the movie is delayed. During this delay, the first step is to fire Zack Sndyer and make Ben Affleck the director so that the characters will be more than cardboard cuts outs. After that, fire David S. Goyer and hire someone that knows how to write a script. Despite helping Nolan with The Dark Knight trilogy, he has written some terrible movie scripts like Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Blade: Trinity, and Jumper. However, the chance of that happening is slim because I believe he is also a producer. At this rate, maybe we will get a full fledged Justice League movie before the end of the century, although I wouldn't hold my breath. Despite my negative criticism, maybe this extra time will actually help the crew make a good movie. Well, 2015 is not quite as packed as everyone had anticipated, although we will still be getting the two most important movies of 2015, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Star Wars: Episode VII. What do you think of the date change? Please comment below and let me know.

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  1. They knew Avengers 2 would trash them critically and commercially. It's basically the white flag of surrender! Like you, I agree that Snyder's Man of Steel was pretty awful. Anyway, with the Marvel movies being so good, I don't really care about DC's catalogue.

    1. Yes, that is basically what DC is doing, giving up and admitting defeat. The only thing they have is Batman's name to draw an audience since I have yet to meet anyone in person that actually liked Meh of Steel. Marvel is far superior in basically every aspect now.


  2. While I have very little interest in this movie, I am very very glad it has been pushed back another year. I don't like the idea of it competing with the Avengers since that would make the Internet an unpleasant place. I hope that it gives them more time to make it half decent so I can at least like it, too. :P


    1. Regardless of how much better Age of Ultron will be than Batman vs. Superman, some idiot fanboys will still try to say that it is better, which would have been majorly annoying.


  3. Poor DC. I don't think that the second movie in their path to a Justice League film should be a team up. They should work on building characters in their own movies first, save Batman for last, and then bring them all together. Oh well, at the very least they have great T.V. shows.

    1. Haha, I agree, making a team up movie is rushing things way too much, and I agree building up the character is more important. They HAD great TV shows, Arrow is the only thing they have now that Young Justice was cancelled, but Batman: TAS, Justice League, and Batman Beyond, were all fantastic back in the day, but now all they have is the terrible Beware the Batman in terms of animation.


  4. I would have said fire not just Snyder & Goyer, but Affleck as Batman too. As I've said, they are not learning from Marvel, which gave characters their own films and tied them in slowly (like Hawkeye's cameo in Thor or Black Widow in Iron-Man 2). Instead, they decide on a mash-up that may turn into a train wreck to rival the one in The Greatest Show on Earth.

    I'm neither thrilled or concerned, but this is not a good sign.

    1. I agree with you entirely, although my opinion of Affleck as Batman is just indifference. Marvel made the perfect team-up model with Iron Man being the foundation and the other movies building up to the payoff that was The Avengers.


  5. I'm glad to see this happen. It sucks a little bit but I think that it shows that DC might have something even bigger in the works. The movie is already filming early scenes so it would definitely have been done by the 2015 release date.

    The fact that they pushed it back makes me think that they may have finally figured out how they are going to bring JLA to life and their timeline. Fingers crossed that the extra time proves worth it. For now, I'd consider this very good news.

    1. My theory is that the script wasn't working, which is why they delayed the movie for such a long time. But I agree, hopefully this will give them time to make a good movie, but I did not know they were already filming.

      I am still curious as to how they are going to pull off a JLA movie after only one setup movie.


  6. Well, I agree with everything you said in this post. Extra time is the best for DC. They just can't hope to compete with the Avengers. Not with Snyder in the crew. I enjoyed Man of Steel, but that's it. I had super-low expectations anyway. And this is coming from a girl who prefers DC to Marvel (solely because of the Batfam).
    Besides, I already have the Avengers and the new Star Wars movie to watch in 2015.


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