
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Top 5 Doctor Who Villains

The Day of the Doctor is almost upon and to countdown its arrival, I have a couple of Doctor Who related posts. The first is today's Top 5 Doctor Who Villains. For my villains list, I will mostly be focusing on the recent Doctor Who series opposed to the classic because I have seen more of it. Additionally, with the exception of a few notable Doctor Who antagonists like The Master, many of the best Doctor Who are not individual entities, rather they are entire species of alien creates and some are more along the lines of horror monster, and those are the ones that intrigue me the most. The creeper villains are the ones that stick with the most growing up watching Doctor Who, therefore this list will consist mostly of the Doctor's more monstrous foes. A quick honorable mention goes to The Master, and while he is a great villain, he has never been my personal favorite. "Allons-y!"

At Number 5: Vashta Nerada
One of the many creepy foes of the Doctor, the Vashta Nerada are notable for taking something already generally considered creepy and making it horrifying, the shadows. We humans have always been afraid of the dark to some capacity and the Vashta Nerada capitalizes on that fear.  

At Number 4: The Silence
Unfortunately, you will not be able to remember the picture I have posted above since it is one of the Silence, but trust me, there is a picture there. Okay, enough with the jokes, the Silence are one of the best villains recently introduced into the Doctor Who lore. They have a genuinely creepy presence, and the concept of forgetting you ever saw them after you look away is the most ingenious idea for a monster since the Weeping Angels. 

At Number 3: Empty Child
"Are you my mummy?" If children weren't already the creepiest thing ever, the Empty Child brings it to a whole other level. Only zombie children come close. When I first saw the episode, "The Empty Child" back in 2005 when I was a relatively young fan of the series, it creeped the living day lights out me. To this day, one of the most memorable Doctor Who experiences is watching that two episode story arc, even if Jack ruins part of it. Steven Moffat's first forte into the Doctor Who universe produced one of his many brilliantly constructed and creepy villains of the series run. 

At Number 2: Daleks
"Exterminate!" Sure the Daleks may look like trashcans with a plunger and whisk attached to the front of them, but they are easily the most iconic and classic of all Doctor Who villains. Being introduced in a story arc of the original Doctor Who run, the Daleks have been the Doctor's greatest foe for decades. We will see the Daleks again in the Day of the Doctor this Saturday.

At Number 1: Weeping Angels
"Whatever you do, don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck." Weeping Angels are hands down the creepiest antagonist in all of the Doctor Who universe. Being introduced in one of the best best science fiction horror stories ever conceived, "Blink," the Weeping Angels have become the most iconic villain of the NuWho era. They are the Xenomorphs (Alien from the Alien film) of the Doctor Who universe and often considered the best of the Doctor's foes. Sure, the Statue of Liberty being a Weeping Angel and "Angel Bob" are a bit ridiculous, no other of the Doctor's villains have made so many suspenseful and heart-pounding episodes of the series. Plus, they are "The only psychopaths in the universe to kill you nicely." You can read my full review of the iconic Doctor Who episode, "Blink," by clicking here on the link.

What did you think of my list? There are many honorable mentions that could have made the list like the Cybermen and the Clockwork Droids. What are some of your favorite Doctor Who villains? Please comment below.

Note: While I use the term "creepy" multiple times, I have rarely been truly "scared" by anything in movies or television, including Doctor Who, however many of the villains above do create genuine suspense and thrills. 

Check back tomorrow for more Doctor Who posts!

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  1. Great post! :D Doctor Who has definitely had some great villains/aliens and you have a really good list! :D I'm glad I didn't watch the episodes with the vashta nerada when I was a little kid, since I used to be scared of the dark(fine now, though). And I agree, I loved the two parter The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.
    My favorites would be - The Master, Daleks, Silence, the gask-mask children, Cyberman, the water on mars(closest thing on the show to make me get creeped out- though, I did go swimming right after seeing it XD), and that thing in Midnight(I read a really interesting post about it on tumblr).

    1. Thank you! :D I know what you mean, the Vashta Nerada are MAJOR creepy! Great list! The Cybermen were a runner up for me and so was the Water on Mars. Midnight was interesting from what I remember of that episode, and I remember being generally freaked out by it more than most monsters for some reason.


  2. Argh!! I JUST got to the Smith years... but I'm back on my Doctor kick... so I'll be caught up before the newest season will be avalible. I'm really hating the fact that we don't get BBC and our internet is junk for watching stuff online! So frustrated rightnow.

    ANYWAYS. Awesome post!

    1. You better get hurrying, you have a lot to catch up on. :) That's unfortunate. :( I suppose you can watch them on DVD.



  3. i'v never really watched docter who exept for one of the really old ones but i do like there ideas for scary especiely the angel now that would be scary i might try it though i not very big on the idea of a tardis

    1. I would recommend giving the series a shot since it is a lot of creepy fun. By the way, cool new profile pic Daniel!


    2. thanks im revising my blogger acount

  4. I watched all the modern episodes Netflix had put up and easily the Weeping Angels were the most fun episodes. Also I loved the Empty Child episodes b/c they were genuinely creepy and also included the 9th Doctor's best joke lines. That sounds weird coming from me since I hate creepiness though...However I thought the Daleks were overrated.

    1. Oh yeah, I forgot you watched the series. Glad we agree about the Weeping Angels. Cool, I did not expect you would enjoy that episode. As for the best joke, are you referring to the sonic screwdriver one? If so, I agree that was hilarious! I also agree that the Daleks are a little overrated, but they are iconic.


    2. I don't remember all the jokes in that episode but my favorites involved the Doctor switching the screwdriver w/ a banana and then back again while saying things like "I've got the banana what have you got" Also something about a plantation in the 51st century that made the best bananas/guns that ever existed. That part was hard to breath through...

    3. I remember the banana joke now, and I agree that was hilarious!


  5. Sorry I didn't comment sooner.

    Weeping Angels and Daleks are my favorite; I also like those clockwork villains for Girl in the Fireplace; they were intense in their own way.

    Those gifs are cool!


    1. I'm glad that you did. :)

      Glad that we agree on the villains!

      Those gifs are majorly freaky!



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.