
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Star Wars Ep. 7 December Release Date?

While not official, reports are suggesting that Star Wars Episode 7 might be released in December of 2015!? Considering that the other Star Wars films where released in May and that they where the pinnacle of Summer Blockbusters, one would assume that Star Wars Episode 7 would be released in the summer. However, considering that Disney's second biggest upcoming film, Avengers: Age of Ultron, will be releasing in May and the next Pirates of the Caribbean at a later time that summer, it is probably a smart choice for Disney to not compete with their other films that summer. Basically, Episode 7 will be replacing the Hobbit for the biggest movie of the winter movie season. 
On a side note, it is certainly early to make that call now, but I believe that Star Wars has a good chance of being the highest grossing movie of all-time. Despite the Star Wars prequels disappointing a considerable portion of audiences, Star Wars still has the largest fan base of any franchise and it is the most popular franchise of all-time. Almost everyone has seen the original Star Wars films or have at least heard about them, and I predict that almost everyone will go see the film, particularly if the film is as high quality as I hope it will be. Even if it is not the highest grossing film in terms of money, it will at least sell the most tickets compared to films like Avatar, that had ridiculous ticket prices. What are your thoughts on the December release date? Do you think it will be the highest grossing film of all-time? Please comment below.
Also please check back tomorrow for Jamie's guest review of Star Trek: Into Darkness.
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  1. Highest grossing of all time? It certainly has potential, but Avatar is a hard one to beat since it was basically all 3D prices and IMAX prices.

    My honest opinion? Star Wars won't be coming out in 2015. They already seem to be falling behind schedule and I think/hope that Disney knows that they can't afford to make anything less than a classic here. Seeing it already being pushed to December makes me think that they might just push it to May 2016. We shall see I suppose! Either way, 2015 is going to be the busiest year for huge movies in the history of movies. SO MANY coming out!

    1. It really depends on the prices of tickets at the time, but I do believe that more tickets will be sold for Star Wars than Avatar.

      I too have been questioning the 2015 release date, and if it is necessary to wait for a better film definitely do it. Agreed, 2015 will be epic!


  2. Ayyy I'm back. Glad to see you still going haha

  3. I think Star Wars will(and deserves) to be the highest grossing film series of all time :D.

    1. I surely hope so! And I hope that the movie does not disappoint! :D


  4. I think that, even if it doesn't make highest - which I think there is a good chance it will - it will make it very high. A lot of people are looking forward to it even now and there are a ton of Star Wars geeks. (I think it helps too that they will have Han, Luke, and Leia in it. It will draw in the original geeks. And then we have to consider the Harrison Ford yeah, i think it has a good chance.)

    A December release seems wise. The Avengers popularity would present a problem to it. (Didn't know about the new Pirates, but that would too, even though a lot of people complain about the movies, many still watch them, even if they complain later.) It will be interesting though to see which fandom wins out. I don't care either way, since I'm a fan of them all 8-D

    1. Around 2 billion is almost a given for the film, or at least I hope so. Excellent points and I agree. Few films have this much hype considering how far away it is from being released and having the original cast will certainly draw the original fans.

      The Avengers will hopefully crush just about everything else coming out that year, so yeah, Star Wars Vs. Avengers is not something that Disney wants to happen. Pirates 4 actually performed surprisingly well, and I am not the biggest fan of the recent sequels either.


    2. 2 billion is a given? 1.5b if it turns out comparable to the originals, 750m if closer to the prequels. But yeah it probably has the best chance in years of beating Cameron. the combo of deep space 3d (jacked prices) and the return of the iconic characters people have obsessed over and raised their kids on for the past forty years will result in a pile of money even the death star couldn't blow up. But stay wary. Just because Han, Luke and Leia are having a mid-life crisis does not guarantee a strong force with the writers and directors.

    3. "I find your lack of faith disturbing." OK, after looking at the numbers for the Avengers and Avatar, I will admit that I miscalculated, I was thinking that the Avengers made 2 billion. One billion is a given though, unless the seriously sucks. Great analogy about the Death Star!
      The creators behind the project sound like they will do a great job, but I will admit that I am skeptical and optimistic at the same time.



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