
Friday, August 23, 2013

Non Trekkie's Thoughts on Star Trek: Into Darkness: Guest Post

Today Jamie is back again to review Star Trek: Into Darkness, which will be coming out on DVD in a few weeks.
It's Jamie again. I'm here to share a few thoughts on Star Trek: Into Darkness. 

I want to get a few things out of the way before I begin though, in making it clear I'm not an expert in Star Trek by any means. I'm not a Trekkie. My parents loved the show, but I have yet to be bitten by the bug. I couldn't stand watching one of the older episodes; 2009 Star Trek and this film is all I've seen in regards to the fandom. I want to make it clear to all Trekkies who will read this post that I'm not an expert on the characters and their personalities, on any of the previous films and their plots. I would really appreciate it if y'all just held with me. I hope my view of the film without certain 'lens' will be interesting to read. :) And yes, the thing that got me to even want to give movie a second glance was Benedict Cumberbatch. And that's not bad!

You can also try to convince me why I should watch Star Trek in the comments but I'm going to tell you right now; I'm not interested. So go ahead and give me your reasons why the fandom is worth joining.

This will be spoiler free and on the shorter side.
I like this movie better then it's sibling, the 2009 Star Trek. The films is a good combination of action, adventure and humor. The story's plot is well done and strings you along perfectly with suspense. The characters and their interaction together are priceless and hilarious. Although Spock is probably my favorite character, Scotty really stood out to me with his sharp wit and the role he plays throughout the plot (which I can't get into without giving out spoilers). The movie is a heck of a good ride with a perfect ending.

The highlight to me was Benedict Cumberbatch. I've seen him many roles and he never disappoints. He did a good job playing his character (who's name I'm withholding for spoiler reasons). He portrayed viciousness, coldness, great loss and formidable strength. He almost made me pity him at one point. The reveal of the character's real name is also one of the big shockers, at least if you are familiar with the Star Trek universe. Since I'm not versed in Trek knowledge, I had to find out later what the big deal was about. However, I think to Treckies the reveal is good one. :)
A I mentioned above, the character I liked best from this film was Spock; simply for his conflict of being half Vulcan half human; in fact the whole underlying message that I picked up and liked at the end of the film. I can't got into details of what triggers Spock to unleash human emotion ('cause of spoilers) but I wanted to speak briefly on it because it's what drew me to the character. As human beings, we have a problem that is called frequently on the internet as 'feels'. We suffer and have emotions that range a variety of reactions and outcomes. This can hurt us very much and yet at the same time it is a great blessing to us. 
Spock, although being half human, always seems to try to smother the emotions he feels, certainly preferring to be use on his Vulcan side. To do and think only the logical thing. And yet, what I liked the most at the end of the film, was the simple fact that because Spock felt and acted on certain human emotions, he was able to carry out a very hard but heroic task. 
What I found encouraging from this was that even though we can get really hurt sometimes, often times that very hurt can help push us to grow or conquer problems that is in our way. If we never felt things, we would never see the need to personally grow. While Spock is and always will be...well, Spock, his actions in Into Darkness encouraged me in the importance of understanding and acting the healthy feelings that always happen to me, instead of shutting them down and becoming a robot myself. If that was how I was suppose to be, I would have been born part Vulcan. ;)
I want to conclude by saying the film was great and I enjoyed it even though I'm not a Trekkie. Considering I don't know how it compares to the original characters, I'd love to hear your thoughts coming from a Trekkie's point of view! :) Live long and prosper.

Thanks to James for letting me guest post the last month and may the Force be with him through college! :)



  1. I'm a Trekkie on and off. I love the show at one point, then I wonder why I watch it at all. I've only ever seen the older TV series with William Shatner (who is really so full of himself it's aggravating)
    Heh I was very pleased to note that in the panel with all the Star Trek characters, I can name all of them except the blondie at the end.
    I've never seen the movie (yet!) but I know who Benedict Cumerbatch plays and I can't wait to see this. Thanks for the review!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed my review, thanks for reading! I hope you like the movie if and when you do see it! :)


  2. I am not a Trekker/Trekkie. All these years I thought a character's name was ZULU (like Shaka) rather than SULU. The movies and two episodes of the original series are my only encounters into the Trek universe (and pausing whenever Counselor Troi appeared on-screen).

    Having said that, I disliked Into Darkness intensely only because it was in all but name a remake of a previous Star Trek film. quote River Song, "Spoilers." I also was not impressed w/Cumberbatch: there is something in me that rebels whenever someone uses their luxurious baritone to denote "I AM A VILLAIN". Simon Pegg got on my nerves w/his 'quirky' humor, and to basically demote Anton Yelchin's Chekov to that of 'bumbling boy' was a waste of time.

    By no means the worst Star Trek film (having seen all of them, I found some that were just awful), Star Trek Into Darkness looks nice but has no core in it. Otherwise, they would have come up w/something...well, original.

    1. Ah, see, you have seen other movies where I haven't and it appears you dislike what I appreciated; but that it okay, because that is your opinion! We must enjoy very different things. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the movie better but oh well! Thanks for reading and commenting, it is appreciated on my part. :)


  3. I've been wanting to see this film(I was going to see it in theaters, but I missed out) ever since I saw the trailer for it. It looks like an awesome film(and a great sequel to the earlier film). Spock is also my favorite character, he's amazing :D
    I plan on watching the TV series, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

    1. Aww, I'm sorry you missed it in the theaters, I hope you will be able to see it as soon as the DVDs are out! I'm sure you will like it. Yay, you like Spock too; he is amazing, I agree! :D


  4. Wonderful review Jamie! I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on Spock.

    1. Thank you, Sarah!!!!!!! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D :D :D


  5. I'm a Trekkie, and I can tell you the major reason I watch the show is because I enjoy corniness and unintentional absurdity. ("Spock's Brain" was the absolute worst. "He has no brain, Captain!") But aside from that, there were a few episodes that were genuinely enjoyable. I'd recommend watching "The Trouble with Tribbles"; it's light, rather adorable, and has some really funny moments. As much of a ham as William Shatner is, he conveys exasperation very amusingly.

    Star Trek: Into Darkness was amazing, I thought. As a Trekkie, the reveal of Cumberbatch's character was jaw-dropping for me. I truly enjoyed his character because...because of all the reasons I can't reveal. I need to watch it again with your comments on Spock in mind; I remember liking him--I always like Spock--but I can't remember exactly what you're speaking of. I do remember being impressed by Kirk at the ending.

  6. Your input is very interesting and I was glad to read it. :) Maybe I shall check out "The Trouble with Tribles" sometime! :)

    Yay, someone who really liked it! :D I liked hearing your thoughts; I was also impressed with Kirk near the ending as well. His character had some good growth. :)


  7. Nice review Jamie! I've haven't seen any Star Trek but am really looking forward to seeing this one when it comes out!


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.