
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sherlock Teaser Trailer!

The Sherlock teaser trailer has finally been released! And Watson has a mustache!? I can just imagine Sherlock saying something like: "John, what is that growing on your face?" While the teaser shows very little actual footage, which is probably a good thing, it really just implies that Sherlock is, indeed, back after a painful one and a half year wait for the next season. Moffat please get season four out much quicker! If anyone is interested in reading it, I plan to write reviews for each episode of season three, so would anyone be interested in reading those reviews? Also are you excited for the new season of Sherlock?
If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Since I just finished season one last night, I'm definitely excited for season three! And season two. Which I won't get to watch for a couple of weeks do to Real Life. But anyway, YAY! More Sherlock!

    1. I hope you enjoy season 2 when you do get a chance to see it. I am also interested to hear your opinion of the finale of season one.


    2. I should have my review finished tonight. Spoiler: I loved it!

  2. I can't wait for season 3 of Sherlock, it seems like it's going to be great :D(the confrontation scene between Sherlock and John is one I'm especially looking forward to). I hope they hurry up and release it on TV as soon as possible :D

    1. It would be hilarious if John just kept hitting Sherlock over and over again like that Tumblr thing you showed me! :D


  3. Never before has a teaser trailer lived up so well to its name. I am thoroughly teased.
    I'd definitely read episode reviews if you write them!

    1. True, very true, the teaser is certainly teasing. Thanks, I will most likely be writing them when the series starts.


  4. I am interested in reading your reviews, James.


    1. Thanks B2B, I will try to write some when the series starts.




    Thanks for posting this!


    1. I love it when you freak out when I post your favorite fandom things! I have honestly lost count how many times you have *DIED* in the comments!


  6. Having seen just one episode of Sherlock--A Study in Pink (and frankly not understanding the cult fan-atism it evokes), I'm puzzled as to why this update has people all but think Moffat & Gatiss created the character. However, I enjoy reading these reviews, so please by all means...write on!

    1. Well, all of the episodes other than season 2, ep. 1, are very well made and I would recommend that you consider watching the rest of the series, although since you do not like Moffat's work, you will probably not like it. Moffat and Gatiss did reinvent the character for the modern era and, at the same time, respected the source material. Thank you Rick, I will write reviews for the series.


    2. I think one of the reasons that I enjoy this version is that, as a writer myself, I am beyond delighted with the way they've updated things, taking Holmes and Watson's world and habits and making them fit the modern world. Holmes doesn't send telegrams, he texts. Watson doesn't publish little memoir-style version of Holmes' adventures, he writes a blog. It's exactly how I imagine I would have updated things myself, so I find them delightful. But the characters themselves remain essentially the same, which is why it's so wonderful for people like me, who love the canon dearly.

      The best part is, they're getting a whole new generation of people interested in the characters, and many of them are going back and reading the canon and discovering how amazing those stories are. Anything that gets more people to read and appreciate classics gets my vote!

    3. Hamlette, I'm not convinced that Sherlock fans go back to The Canon. Just like I'm not convinced Harry Potter gets kids interesting in reading (it gets them interested in reading more Harry Potter, not the same thing), I don't think ALL Sherlock fans turn to Conan Doyle.

      One thing they don't do is go to Rathbone or Brett. One Sherlock fan I talked to had never heard of either!

      Yes, it's true: I have problems w/Moffat as a showrunner, though I don't hate all his stories (I liked The Empty Child Parts 1 & 2). Again, since I've only seen the first episode (a 7/10 from my review...the 'they all think we're gay' jokes got on my nerve) I am looking forward to watching the complete series and maybe that will give me a better picture.

    4. Also, I gave The Unquiet Dead a 10/10, and that was Gatiss.

    5. No, I'm quite sure not all Sherlock fans go back to the canon. Just like all of the Lord of the Rings fans don't read the books. The Avengers fans don't all go read the comic books (::looks guilty::). But some do, and for them -- even if it's a small percentage of viewers -- it opens a whole new world of shiny awesome.

      And I know kids who discovered books aren't boring by reading the Harry Potter books. My brother read nothing but Spider-man comics and Popular Mechanics for years, but then he had to read The Outsiders for school, and he discovered that he loved books, he just hadn't been trying the right ones, the ones that interested him. So if this gets people of any age interested in the original stories, then hooray! Just having Sherlock Holmes back in the public consciousness is a step forward, IMHO.

      And some of them will look around for other versions. They'll find dear, dear Jeremy Brett, they'll sniff out the Rathbones, lots of which are available on DVD pretty cheaply. They'll try the RDJ versions, they'll read the originals, they'll read the non-canonical stuff. And some of them will just want to adore Benedict Cumberbatch, and that's their prerogative.

      (BTW, I really liked that they dealt with the "are Holmes and Watson gay" question right off, because it's a huge thing in certain circles, and to have them address it head-on, to say, "We're not, let's go on from here" -- I thought that took both guts and intelligence. And now they don't have to dwell on it.)

  7. I can't wait for series 3 of Sherlock! Even though not much was shown, it piqued my curiosity. It already seems really good. I've heard that American fans won't get to see it until 2014. I hope this isn't true. Series 3 has taken a very long time - I hope the 4th series won't take as long.

    1. What!? 2014! If that is true, Americans might riot! Hopefully it will air in American soon, thanks for the info.


  8. I'm SO STINKIN' EXCITED for season 3!!! I need to re-watch all the old seasons again before it comes out. I adore this series so much.

  9. I should re-watch it as well, it is such a great series.


  10. This teaser trailer just killed me with feels. XD So excited for series 3. It would be cool if you did reviews when it came out!

  11. LOVE THIS!!! I know I'm late on commenting but wanted to anyway. I would love to read reviews on the older episodes! They are so awesome! :D


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.