
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Doctor Who Tag: Part 2.

Here is part 2 of the Doctor Who tag.

Day 6 - Favorite Doctors: 11th, 10th, and 9th, in roughly that order, although Tennant is about tied with Smith.

Day 7 - Favorite companions: Clara, Amy, Donna, Rory, Rose, Craig, and Martha, in roughly that order, although there are not any main companions that I really dislike.

Day 8 - Least favorite companions: Captain Jack: Although he is not exactly a companion, his character annoys me immensely.

Day 9 - The characters you relate to most: Maybe Rory, mostly because he is the closest thing to an average guy on the show. Non of the companions have been geeks, on second thought though, I do like Craig from the two episodes he appeared on. He was also an average guy, except I am skinny and he is fat.

Day 10 - Favorite villains and the villains that frightened you the most: Favorite villain: Weeping Angles, those are the best villains for sure. Most frightening has to be a Empty Child, that episode is still creepy!

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Great answers! :D I agree, Craig was great in the episodes he was in(those episodes are among my favorites of Matt Smith's run).

    1. Thanks! :D Craig was a lot of fun to watch in those episodes. :)


  2. The 9th, 10th, and 11th Doctors are all fantastic Doctors. I have a lot of the same favorite companions! :) I'm curious, why do you find Captain Jack annoying? The fact that Rory is an average person makes him really cool, because he shows that anyone can become a hero, or is a hero already inside. In a way he's more of a hero than the Doctor, for example in The Girl Who Waited, because he wanted to take future Amy with them, even if it would have caused a paradox too strong for the TARDIS to handle. He had that quality of moral perception, which the Doctor doesn't always understand. Or maybe the doctor does understand, but he was thinking in terms of practicality, which involved having to make a sacrifice. Craig's cool too! I've heard that the actor who plays him is friends with Matt Smith in real life. The Weeping Angels are brilliant villains, although to me the Empty Child seems even more frightening, though as you know, I have yet to watch The Empty Child.

    1. Can't agree more about 9,10, and 11, the best of the Doctors. As for Jack, I dislike his mostly from Torchwood. Excellent points about Rory, and I agree with all of it. Rory is not immortal or genius, he is just a regular guy. That is cool about Craig's actor. Yes, the Empty Child is creepier, you need to watch that episode sometime.


  3. Yesss Rory is awesome and Craig's episodes were really fun. XD

  4. Great choices for favorite companions! I love Craig, Craig is awesome. And of course the Angels... hands down best villain. The Empty Child almost doesn't even count as a villain, but it certainly was one of the creepiest, scariest things ever!

  5. I've only just found the second part of your tag! Anyway, love the answers, the Weeping Angels are one of the scariest in my opinion! Can't wait for the next part!


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