
Thursday, August 8, 2013

New Thor: The Dark World Trailer!

The new trailer for Thor: The Dark World is here and it is beyond awesome! Hands-down the best trailer I have seen this year, it does not give too much away and, at the same time, creates gigantic anticipation for the film. What makes this trailer awesome is that it full of Loki! It is no secret that Loki is one of my favorite characters ever created, and I hope that Loki receives a lot of screen time, and it appears that he will! Christopher Eccleston as the lead villain gets to say something and it was great to see and hear him again because he was great as the Doctor. Check back next week for my full trailer review with JT. Also please check back tomorrow for my review of Jaws for shark week. If you have not seen it, please check out My Video Movie Tribute.
If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Really like this trailer more and more each time I see it.

  2. So super excited for this movie! Thor is one of my favorite Avengers :D

  3. This trailer has me so excited!!! I can't wait to see where Thor and Loki's relationship go from here! And Thor and Jane's as well, come to think of it. :)


  4. The trailer is amazing!!!! :D So excited for this film, especially seeing how things turn out with Thor and Loki :D. I'm also excited to see several cool female characters in this film(Sif, Jane, and Frigga) :) :D
    I want November to get here faster :D

  5. This movie looks freaking awesome!! Can't wait!

  6. I was going to say I'd watched this trailer too many times, but then I realized that is not possible. Loki has already stolen the movie, it seems! Asgard looks great -- much more realistic than the first film.

  7. Anyone else?

    Very. Very. Very. Excited for this movie.


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