
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My Video Movie Tribute.

Here it is, my video tribute to some of my favorite films. Please watch the video and tell me what you think. I have been working on this video since 2011, constantly making changes that reflect the new movies that I have seen to make an even better video. I know it starts a little slow, but starts it to pick up speed later on. My goal was to use a collection of clips from my favorite films and make them flow, particularly the later half of the video where I use more action scenes rather than quotes. This is only the first of two tributes that I am going to post. The video covers many of my most favorite films, excluding the Dark Knight, because I wanted to use it in my second video, which is coming soon. Also watch it in HD, it is even better that way.
If you like it, please share it on Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, ect.
To go along with my video, I have devised a challenge or tag of sorts for you to list your favorite films. Basically, within the next few weeks, you list your favorite films in a post on your blog relatively similar to my Top 100 Movies list, however it can be as short or as long as you would like. After everyone posts their favorite movies, I will make a post linking to everyone's favorite movie posts and maybe adding some personal commentary about each list. I know there are a lot of blogger who do not participate in tags like these, if not, please just tell me your opinion of my video.
Here are the rules for the challenge/tag:
1: List favorite movies (in any format that you like and the movies do not have to be in order).
2: Post my video tribute (above) somewhere in your post.
3: "Tag" other bloggers (optional).
4: Comment telling me that you might want to try the post.
If you have not already seen my Top 100 Movies List and need some inspiration for your post, click here and here to see my list.
Here is the code to embed the video in a blog post:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Very cool video man, really well done!

    Have fun with challenge, should be an interesting read! I'll have to bow out, I've tried too many times to make favorite list and they drive me a bit mad, hence my appreciation of the work you put into yours!

    1. Thank you Daniel!

      Making a list is certainly not easy, and thanks.


  2. Very cool video! :D The part where it looked like Iron Man blew up the AT-AT was really well edited :D. A really good bunch of movies :D.

    I will be doing the tag/challenge and I will have it up today or tomorrow :)

    1. You thank!:D I really liked how that part looked too. :D

      I will be looking for the post!


  3. Like I said yesterday; THIS WAS AMAZING! I loved all the scenes you used and the music and the end and everything!! :D :D :D :D

    And I'm doing the tag; I don't know when I'll have it done but I shall make it one of more important blog posts to create!


    1. Thanks Jamie! :D :D :D

      I will be looking for the your posts in the near future, that should be fun to read. :)


  4. Awesome! I regonized all the movies, though I haven't seen a few. Great video, your hard work really shows.
    I probably might not do the tag as my favorite movie list might just go:
    1. Avengers
    2. Avengers
    3. Avengers
    4. Avengers
    5. Avengers
    and so forth. Great video!

    1. Thank you, I'm glad that you liked it!

      I would probably switch #3 and #1, but other than that, awesome list! lol


  5. That was great!!!! Very cool! I really loved the ending. *Grin* I think out of all the little bits after the Marvel movies that is my favourite, though it might be tied with the one at the end of Iron Man 3, that one was funny. "I'm not that kind of doctor....this just makes me...angry."

    I joined in!

    1. Thank you very much!!! Oh yeah, the ending of Iron Man 3 was hilarious, it was perfect.

      Thank you for doing the challenge! In a couple of weeks I will post a link with your list.


  6. Great video. Respect the passion that went into making it.


  7. Amazing video! :D You've done a lot of hard work on it and it has blossomed! :D Great job!

    1. Thank you Rebecca! :D It certainly has been a lot of hard work, and thanks again! :D


  8. Hello, James! Friend of Jamie's here...I'll be doing the tag and will hopefully have it up within the next few days, maybe even within the weekend. (

    Awesome video, by the way, and very well done! I love "The Lord of the Rings" as well as "Star Wars," so those were undoubtedly my favorite clips :)

    1. Thank you for dropping and doing the tag, I appreciate it. I will go check out your blog now. :)

      Thank you very much, I am glad you liked it, and those are my favorite parts too, since those are my favorite movies. :)


  9. Great job! Jamie tagged me so I'm in! :D

    1. Thank you! I will go read your tag post now! :D


  10. Very cool. :D You did a great job on it - I especially liked the part when Iron Man blew up an AT-AT as well as the ending. XD


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.