
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Doctor Who Tag: Part 4.

Here is the final part of the Doctor Who tag, enjoy.

Day 16 - Favorite couple: Amy and Rory, and The Doctor and Rose

Day 17 - Favorite actor: David Tennant, and Matt Smith: I am really hoping that both Smith and Tennant have at least minor roles in the Star Wars films.

Day 18 - Favorite actress: Karren Gillan: I cannot wait to see Gillan is Guardians of the Galaxy.

Day 19 - Favorite writer: Steven Moffat: Even though he has plenty of haters, Moffat is one of my favorite writers in general. He has given us many of the best episodes in Doctor Who history even before taking control of the series, like "Blink," "Girl in the Fireplace," and "Silence in the Library." Now, as the leading producer of the series, he is writing excellent storylines! He has also written the brilliant BBC Sherlock series.

Day 20 - Well, Peter Capaldi is the official new but if you to see a few of picks before he was named the Doctor, click here on the link. Who's the New Doctor? My Picks: Part 1.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Great list :) I agree, I like The Doctor and Rose as well :D. And same here, I definitely hope David Tennant and Matt Smith get some sort of role in Star Wars :D. (and it will be cool to see Karen in Guardians of the Galaxy). :)

    1. From what I remember, they where great together (Doctor and Rose). :D Either Tennant or Smith would make great scientists, although Tennant kind of already did in the Clone Wars, that was so cool! :)


  2. Karen Gillan being cast in Guardians of the Galaxy definitely doubled my interest in it. And then seeing her shaved head for the role doubled it again. :P Oh, Tennant and Smith in Star Wars would be epic.
    I very thoroughly enjoyed reading all your answers for this tag!

    1. She shaved her head!? That it commitment! Although it is necessary for the role.
      Thank you for reading and commenting!


  3. David Tennant and Matt Smith are great actors! It would be really cool if they were in the new Star War films.

    I’ve never heard of Guardians of the Galaxy before, but I became interested in it ever since I found out that Karen Gillan is going to be in it, and that she shaved her head for her role in it. I admire her for being brave and taking her acting career seriously, but I miss her red hair.

    I agree about Steven Moffat. He is a fantastic writer and he has contributed so much to Doctor Who. Sherlock is an amazing show - I can’t see how people who dislike Moffat can view him as a bad writer.

    Thank you so much for doing the Doctor Who tag! I loved reading your answers to all the questions.

    1. Karen shaving her head is really surprising, but like you said, it is good to see her taking it seriously. But I loved her hair!

      Between Sherlock and Doctor Who, Moffat has done so many great things.

      Thank you for making the tag, it was a lot of fun to do!


  4. I have to be one of those "Moffat haters" only because the direction the show has taken (particularly the River Song-fixation) is so horrific. My disdain for Moffat is such I am treading into Sherlock w/fear and trembling.

    Go to Classic Who, particularly almost any story written by Robert Holmes or Terrance Dicks. They are my favorite Who writers...


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.