
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Doctor Who Season 7 Premier!

 Season 7 of Doctor Who will premier tonight! Technically it is Part 2 of Season 7 and I still hate it that we only got six episodes in all of 2012! Despite that, I cannot wait until the new episode tonight. Since I have avoided as many spoilers as possible, I have not even watched the trailer and did not post it here. However I have posted a prequel video, which leads into the new episode tonight. It is not very long, but very good scene with Smith. Not entirely sure if it is the video's quality, or Smith sounds a little different. Now, a very important question for the readers, who of you plan to watch the season as it airs? Many fans to the series have just started the series or watch them on instant video after release, however, if there are enough readers that plan to watch the new episodes, I might just review them. With the recent cancellation of The Clone Wars, there is not a lot of popular TV series to review right now, so I want to find something that the readers will enjoy reading. 
For more information on why you should be watching Doctor Who and my thoughts on the different Doctors, Click here to read my recent about it.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Well, I know I won't be watching them as it airs, I still have the rest of the series to catch up on (and I have a month to wait before I can start because I'm waiting for Kayla). I am excited for you, I hope it's really good and there are no letdowns!


  2. If you can't see Game of Thrones, check out The Walking Dead.

  3. Is Doctor Who any good? I mean, I see previews of it and I can't seem to decide whether to watch it or not. 'Cuz, usually the only thing I watch on BBC America, the channel it's on, is Law and Order: UK and Top Gear.

  4. @Jamie: Hope you get to watch it soon! Because I am sure you will love it. The episode was fantastic and did not disappoint in the slightest!

    @Anonymous: Do you know when the first episodes might be coming on AMC? I think I may check out the show sometime.

    @HippieGirl21: Since you like British things so much, I believe Doctor Who is a must watch! Just start at the beginning and I think you will like it. And yes, Doctor Who is fantastic! My favorite TV series ever.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.