
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Baseball Opening Day and Happy Resurrection Day/Easter!

The opening day of Baseball season starts today! While I rarely blog about it, I am a die-heart Atlanta Braves fan and a fan of baseball history in general. More importantly, Happy Resurrection Day/Easter everyone! Because it is Easter and the Baseball Opening day, what are your favorite Baseball movies and Easter related movies. Favorite Baseball films are "Field of Dreams", Moneyball and The Natural. Since "Passion of the Christ" is the only Easter related film I can recall watching, it would be my choice. What are your favorites? Please comment below. Check back tomorrow for Reader's Choice and an important announcement.
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  1. I am a New York Yankees fan, and I want to watch "42" when it comes out. And I have never watched a Easter related movie.

  2. Happy Easter/Resurrection Sunday!

    While I understand baseball waaay more, I have like and have seen more football movies then baseball. I have gotten to go see some baseball games played in person though.

    And I haven't seen Passion of the Christ.


  3. Happy Easter man, hope you have a great one!

  4. Happy Easter, James, I hope you have a good day! :D. And I hope your favorite team wins this year :)
    My favorite Easter-related movie is Godspell- I did a play of it a few years ago around Easter time and it helped me understand the story even more :D.

  5. @Vincent: I am want to 42 also, looking forward to when it comes out. Thanks for commenting.

    @Jamie: Same to you!

    There are not that many good Baseball movies anyway, but I do want to see Rudy since you recommended it.

    I honestly remember much about the other than subtitles and a lot of blood and of course what happened in the Bible, because has been a while since I watched it.

    @Daniel: Thank man, you too!

    @Shena Tokala: Happy Easter to you too! :D Thank you!

    The name sounds familiar but I can't say I have seen much about it. I will have to look into it.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.