
Monday, January 14, 2013

Questions for the Readers.

You asked us some questions, now its time to ask you, the reader for your opinion on several topic to hopefully make my blog better.

1: What is your opinion of the "Reader's Choice" posts? Should I continue with them?
2: Are you ever annoyed by posting delays?
3: Should I continue to post more of a variety of posts or more movie review focused?
4: Are you satisfied with my posting consistency?
5: What other subjects or franchises should I cover more of on this blog?
6: Do you consider yourself a "Video Gamer" to any degree?
7: What days of the week are you usually most actively blogging and commenting? (for me that is usually the weekend, however few others are on at that time.)
8: Do you read my reply comments or comments in general? (my answer to this in general I read all reply comments on other blogs, I always subscribe to the post for instant updates.)
9: Does an interesting or topic related picture on the Blogger Dashboard make posts seem more interesting
10: Should I continue to post random funny picture posts? 
11: Do I say "thank you" too much? (in defense of this, I really do say "thank you, thanks" ect. a lot because I was raised to be polite and I always greatly appreciate comments.)

It would be appreciated if you would answer these questions because the most important part of this blog is you, the Reader. Also any other suggestions would always be appreciated.

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. 1) They are really awesome, I'd love to see what I want on your blog. You should totally continue them.
    2) not really; I mean I'd love to see what you're posting of course, but sometimes I'm patient as long as there is something good coming up. :) Like I waited a year for the Hobbit... and now I'm waiting for the next Percy Jackson book for another year... not sooo patient on that... screeaaa- never mind. You get my point :)
    3) Variety of posts!
    4) Yep
    5) I guess I'd like to see more of Harry Potter, since it's as good as LOTR to me. I'd like to see a Percy Jackson movie review. Compared to the book, I do not hold a high opinion of the movie but I'd love to see what you think.
    6) nope. I don't play lots of games with exception of Tetris.
    7) Monday-thursday, but sometimes I have lots of homework.
    8) yes, most of the times.
    9) yep
    10) YES I LOVE THOSE! It's a 9gag without dirty stuff!

    Here you go! (:

  2. 1: What is your opinion of the "Reader's Choice" posts? Should I continue with them?: I think so
    2: Are you ever annoyed by posting delays?: No, I'm a patient person and I know you'll post them eventually
    3: Should I continue to post more of a variety of posts or more movie review focused?: A mixture of both would be a good idea.
    4: Are you satisfied with my posting consistency?: Yes
    5: What other subjects or franchises should I cover more of on this blog?: I think you should post what you like since it is your blog
    6: Do you consider yourself a "Video Gamer" to any degree?: Sort of- my siblings more so than me but I still enjoy playing video games
    7: What days of the week are you usually most actively blogging and commenting?: I'm active every day of the week- I always check the blogs I follow.
    8: Do you read my reply comments or comments in general?: Yes, I always do. I appreciate it when people respond, so if I know the person will respond, I go back and read it.
    9: Does an interesting or topic related picture on the Blogger Dashboard make posts seem more interesting: Yes, it does. I've always found that to be true.
    10: Should I continue to post random funny picture posts?: Yes
    11: Do I say "thank you" too much? (in defense of this, I really do say "thank you, thanks" ect. a lot because I was raised to be polite and I always greatly appreciate comments.): Of course not- saying thank you is a very good thing and something you should continue doing.

  3. 1. These are fun, you should continue them! :)

    2. Nope, I rarely notice if you end up delaying a post, partly because your in a slightly different time zone them I am. :P You get out of bed and post something while I'm still deep asleep!

    3. I enjoy a variety but you have slacked just a little off on the movie reviews themselves. How about a balance of both?!

    4. Very. You do very well with posting consistency in my opinion.

    5. Mmmmm, not sure, just talk about what you love!

    6. I'm not a video gamer, I'm afraid but I don't have anything against gamers either.

    7. I check usually everyday but depending if a post is in my line of interest or not or how busy I am, I don't comment, therefore not leaving my presence known. That was probably a confusing answer.

    8. I READ YOUR REPLY COMMENTS. Thank you very much for replying, it then seems like you have actually seen the comment--some blogs don't respond and I'm left wondering if they actually noticed the comment or not.

    9. It does help. :)

    10. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!

    11. No you don't; it's a good way to show appreciation and should keep a commenter feeling happy as well. :)

    Okay, I think I answered them all!


  4. 1. Yes, it's interesting to see what's coming up
    2. No. you have a life too...;)It just surprises me when it happens b/c you post like clockwork before I'm awake.
    3. I like the variety, but I too have noticed that you've stopped posting reviews. Maybe have one week of just reviews and then flip to just random stuff? The fact is you just started making too much stuff regular and so there's no room for reviews.
    4.Satisfied? Is that a question? Some people, myself included, don't post for months. It's fun to see a new post every day.
    5.No. You actually have yet to make a boring post w/ your current material.
    7. Any day.
    8.I always read all the comments, especially when I've commented myself.
    9. Yes. Pics also are a big help in making to post visible anyway.
    11. Are you seriously trying to apologize for being polite? What is the world coming to if that is happening? Though I'll admit that someone states an opinion and you say "thanks for having an opinion" or words to that effect , it looks odd, though maybe that's b/c I don't do it.:)

  5. @Solace Utara: Thanks for taking the time to answer all the questions! :) Since I haven't read Percy Jackson, I can't really compared it to the book. But I might try to watch the movie sometime and review. Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I can rank the Harry Potter movies, thanks for the idea!

    @Shena Tokala: Thank you! :D Reader's Choice and Funny Pictures will definitely continue!

    @Jamie: I agree about the reviews, I was looking through my posting history and noticed no REVIEWS! Starting next week Reader's Choice will be all reviews. About 7: Yes, that makes perfect sense. :) I think the same as well about replying to comments.

    @JT: Great idea for the reviews, starting Monday Reader's Choice will be all reviews. I guess I was apologizing for being for polite. :) As crazy as it sounds I thought might have been a little repetative with the thanks. Thanks for taking the time answer the questions.


  6. 1: What is your opinion of the "Reader's Choice" posts? Should I continue with them? Yes keep posting them!
    2: Are you ever annoyed by posting delays? No, not really.
    3: Should I continue to post more of a variety of posts or more movie review focused? I'd like to see what else you would write about but I enjoy your reviews too.
    4: Are you satisfied with my posting consistency?
    5: What other subjects or franchises should I cover more of on this blog?
    None. I like this geeky place.
    6: Do you consider yourself a "Video Gamer" to any degree?
    Haha. No.
    7: What days of the week are you usually most actively blogging and commenting? (for me that is usually the weekend, however few others are on at that time.)
    8: Do you read my reply comments or comments in general? (my answer to this in general I read all reply comments on other blogs, I always subscribe to the post for instant updates.)
    9: Does an interesting or topic related picture on the Blogger Dashboard make posts seem more interesting
    Very much so.
    10: Should I continue to post random funny picture posts?
    DEFINITELY! I love them!
    11: Do I say "thank you" too much? (in defense of this, I really do say "thank you, thanks" ect. a lot because I was raised to be polite and I always greatly appreciate comments.)
    No sir!

  7. I have been really buisy, so i haven't been on at all lately, but probably the weekend is better for me.
    Having a cool picture on my blogger page catches my attention and makes me really want to read the post hat it goes does an interesting intro sentance :D
    I love the random funny pictures...they're awesome!!

    I always try to see the comment responses, but sometimes i forget. If a topic is really interesting, i read the otehr comments just to see what others have to say. then i add to the comments...


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.