
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Funny Pictures and an Announcement.

Here are some funny Lord of the Rings, Avengers and other funny pictures for your enjoyment. Be sure to check back tomorrow for part 1 of the Long Expected Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Book vs. Film post! Update: I have a special Star Wars post scheduled for Thursday that I am working on about the Seven Jedi, please check it out.
Most of these pictures are from Rebecca at Just me... and The Sith Photographer at Cupcakes to Lightsabers.
Best picture ever!

I found this to be incredibly interesting.

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  1. I love them! Oh I never noticed harry's shirt... but I did notice the Goblet of Fire one :) I was really surprised the first time I watched the movie :P
    And the elves one I laughed out loud so hard xD

  2. That was the funniest string of random memes yet! The HP ones especially

  3. These were some really good pictures!! :D My favorite was the one about different things that happened during the filming of the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit- very interesting. I agree about the Harry Potter ones, especially the calmly one. And the Iron Man/Sherlock Holmes one was awesome :)

  4. The Harry Potter ones are hilarious. And that Lord of the Rings infographic is NUTS!

    I can't believe that was an actual knife that Lurtz threw at Aragorn. I always loved that scene...crazy to know that was a real reaction. Viggo is a badass!

  5. haha! Those are hilarious. They made me laugh really hard.
    Can't wait to see your upcoming posts! I haven't been commenting much (internet connection problems), but I have been reading.

  6. Very funny!!! I loved the on about Boromir and Faromir!

  7. Nice!
    I really enjoyed the last interesting!

    And ♥ the Faramir one... :D


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