
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Iron Man 3 Trailer! And Posting Schedule.

The Iron Man 3 trailer is finally here and it looks awesome so far. Before I was not a fan of the new color for the Armor but so far I actually like it. From the reports, the movie will be based on the Extremis comic book run and this trailer does show it. Extremis is a virus that gives Tony the ability to control his armor directly with his mind as well as other forms of the electronics. The trailer appears to be darker, which should be great and Ben Kingsley as the Mandarin looks great also. Hopefully this will have  the right amount of inward struggle and large scale action to be truly great and top the original Iron Man. What do you think about this trailer? Please comment below. Also below are some pictures and my posting schedule for this week. The Two Towers: Book Vs. Movie should finally be finished for next week.
Wednesday: Ghostbusters
Thursday: Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Friday: Trivia
Saturday: Clone Wars Review
Sunday: Halloween Epic Film Score and More
Monday: Psycho Review
Tuesday: Best Halloween Movies
Wednesday: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Book Review
Thursday: The Two Towers: Book Vs. Movie
Friday: Skyfall in One Week

The Mandarin, play by Ben Kingsley.

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. YAHOO! I'm not really excited to see this movie as I have't seen Iron Man 2, but it looks really good. :D

    Can't wait to see your posts!

  2. Cool, i cant wait for Iron man 3 to come out. since i have already seen 1 and 2.

  3. I'm honestly not too horribly thrilled about this film, but it should be interested. I like the darker tone, though, the the extremist should be interesting. I will definitely see it, but I'm personally looking more forward to the second Thor. :)


    PS: I still really hate the armor's new colors. It looks...really fake, or something. Like an action figure.

  4. This movie makes me want to see the first two! And by that I mean that trailer is awesome! And the inverted color scheme doesn't look quite as stupid in action.

  5. I really love the new trailer! I agree, it looks really awesome!! :D I can't wait to see it when it comes out :).
    Great list of posts; I'll be looking forward to them :)


    The new suit looks funny but I'm willing to give it a chance. I love how we're going the aftermath of The Avengers in Tony's life in the movie! That helps keep everything tied together!

    I also think it's going to be a sad movie. Just seeing his suits on the wall being blown up made me feel so sad. I hope to God they do not kill off Pepper! I want to see them get married! She's been there since the first movie for crying out loud! THEY CAN'T KILL HER!

    *sigh* How am I going to react when I see Thor 2's trailer?!


  7. @Helen: You should probably watch Iron Man 2. It is not as good as the other movies leading up to The Avengers but still very fun. :)

    @Vincent the awesome: It should be the movie of the Summer. I'm a big fan of the other Iron Man movies too.

    @Alexandra Lanc: While I am still looking forward to Thor more as well, but the gap is much closer between the movies as for my excitement.
    I didn't like the armor colors enitre until I watched the trailer. It looks a lot better in motion than the stills. But to each their own. :)

    @JT: Glad you like the trailer, I agree it is awesome! Yes you should definitely watch the movies. Many consider the first one the best of the movies leading up to The Avengers. And it is one of my favorites.

    @Shena Tokala: I know, it looks incredible! :D

    @Jamie: Love the long comment! :)
    LOL, love your reaction, you always have the best. :D
    It seems like The Dark Knight Rises except better in terms of tone. If Pepper is killed, it may be even more powerful than Coulson's death! I would probably feel terrible after watching the if that happens. 0_0 PLEASE DON'T KILL HER!


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One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.