
Monday, October 22, 2012

Halloween Countdown and Star Wars Update!

First let’s start with the Star Wars update. If everything goes as planned I will be making a list of the Top 25 Lightsaber Battles throughout all of Star Wars, including battles from the movies, TV shows and even a few video games.
Now on to the Halloween countdown! I am not really a fan of Halloween. While I did dress-up and go trick-or-treating when I was 13, I have never cared much for it. However, it seemed like the perfect time for Halloween time movie reviews! Horror is one of my least favorite genres, it has never appealed to me, although there are some movies that can be considered "Horror" that I do enjoy or movies with the theme of ghosts, monsters ect. And on Halloween, I make a list of good movies to watch that might just give you the chills, yet are intelligent or just fun to watch. As for the movies I will be reviewing this week and the next: Ghostbusters, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and Psycho. While I am not exactly sure when I will post the reviews for Ghostbusters and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) it will be this week this week, I will be posting my review for Psycho Monday before Halloween. What do you think of my Halloween plans? Please comment below.
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  1. I'd love to read the reviews! :D

  2. Cool. But how old are you i'm only twelve.

  3. I've actually never done the traditional trick-or-treating Halloween celebration; my parents didn't care for me or Kayla to do that sort of thing growing up. I did attend some of the church's fall fesitval events though when I was little, and everyone dressed up for that. We have pictures of me dressed up as superhero Larry-Boy from Big Idea's Veggietales! Lol! The past four years or so, our last church has held Reformation Parties to celebrate the reformation in the Christian faith back in John Calvin's day so we've all dressed up in Renaissance clothing. This year I'm going to be a rebel and show up in a biker/steampunk/victorian-esque costume and drive everyone nuts! Anyway, I don't know why I'm rambling, LOL!

    Looking forward to your movie reviews!


  4. We do the candy. I like to go as the phantom of the opera now, but one year I threw together some scraps and called myself Kronos, master of time!:D
    Hilarious picture. The Stormtroopers of sleepy hollow are attacking!

  5. I remember the year that i dressed up as Luke Skywalker. And my sister dressed up as Princes Laya.

  6. @Helen: Thanks! :D

    @Vincent the awesome: I'm 18.

    @Jamie: I've only done the traditional trick-or-treating once but I never have to hand out candy or anything because I live in the country. I have attended one of those church things too when I was little. :) Cool, I like your idea for the costume. Sounds awesome! :D Please feel free to ramble, I like it. :D

    @JT: Although I have not seen the Phantom of the Opera, the costume is very cool. Kronos is from Greek Mythology right? Thanks, the planet of Sleepy Hollow are part of the Empire now! :D

    @Vincent the awesome: That is awesome! I wish I did that when I was a kid.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.