
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Whedon Back for Avengers 2 and TV Series!

Joss Whedon is back for The Avengers sequel! Time for Avengers fans to rejoice! Also he will be helping develop a TV series set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, hopefully it will be awesome as it sounds. The man who did the impossible with The Avengers is coming back to direct and write the sequel. The Avengers 2 is set to be released sometime in 2015 but there is not much information about the movie at this point. However, had some possible TV series that Whedon could make, which I will be posting soon. Are you excited to see Whedon back for the sequel? Please comment below.

Just about everyone's reaction after watching The Avengers.


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  1. Oh yes, definitely glad to hear that!!! :D Joss Whedon will do a fabulous job on The Avengers sequel! :D I also can't wait to see how the t.v. show works; Joss Whedon has made some of my favorite television shows and coupled with amazing actors, it could be an amazing t.v. show :D

  2. Awesome! I really loved The Avengers (and I love your Thor pic!), and I think that Whedon is a great director and writer. If we does the same thing that he did with the first film, then the second will be amazing!


  3. YEEEAAAAAAAAH!!!!! *cues hallelujah chorus* I no longer need to worry! The sequel is in good hands! Whooppee!


  4. just trying to wait for thor 2 to come out is a chore in itself. i'm like get it done all ready. i have horrible patitence. hawkeye should have his own spinoff i think anyway. ;)

  5. @Shena Tokala: He definitely will! :D After the Avengers, I think Whedon can do just about everything.

    @Alexandra Lanc: Thanks, it hopefully will be amazing. :)

    @Jamie: LOL A hallelujah chorus would be perfect right now! :D

    @Aalya Rain: I can't wait for Thor 2 as well, from what I have read it should be great. :) After waiting for The Avengers more than 4 years, I have gained some patitence. LOL :D I completely agree, a Hawkeye spinoff should be made. Maybe that happened before The Avengers with Black Widow.



  6. :DDDDD YAY!

    Joss did perfect in Avengers giving all the characters good screen time and giving everyone a big good part!!! It's so exciting there will be a Avengers 2, whatever it may be, Joss will make it awesome!!! :DDD

  7. @Kayla: I have no doubt the Joss will do an awesome job. "In Whedon We Trust". :D



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