
Friday, August 10, 2012

The Bourne Legacy: Review Round-Up.

I have been looking forward to The Bourne Legacy since hearing about because I liked the other Bourne movies and Jeremy Renner was great as Hawkeye in The Avengers. However from the reviews, The Bourne Legacy looks like it is not going to be very good.

Chris Stuckmann: C: Stuckmann said that the movie only had 10 minutes of action in the whole movie! He is a fan of the original Bourne movies and was very disappointed with this one.
Jeremy Jahns: You Won't remember it in T-minus 2 Days: That rating from Jeremy basically means that it is a OK movie but nothing special.

Rotten Tomatoes: 60%: Rotten Tomatoes' reviews are not looking all that great right now, here is what they said.
"It isn't quite as compelling as the earlier trilogy, but The Bourne Legacy proves the franchise has stories left to tell -- and benefits from Jeremy Renner's magnetic work in the starring role."
IGN: 6.0/10: is not the best review website because of they are not consistent with their reviews and even gave The Amazing Spider-Man just because they thought it was too soon to remake the movies. But IGN might be right on this one.
Schmoes Know: 3.2/5 and 3.8/5: One of the Schomoes was disappointed by the movie to some degree, but the other enjoyed it.
Because I already have half-off tickets that I need to use before they expire, I might go see The Bourne Legacy since there are not any other movies out that I would want to see. Also do you recommend any movies that are currently out in theaters other than The Dark Knight Rises or is coming soon.
If you have not read my reviews for the previous Bourne movies, please click on the link below and check the out.
The Bourne Identity Review.
The Bounre Supremacy Review.
The Bourne Ultimatum Review.

If you want to contact us or have any question please send an e-mail to


  1. That's too bad that this movie hasn't gotten stellar reviews. I thought the previews looked pretty good and I was definitely a fan of the Bourne trilogy. Perhaps I won't see this in theater, but will rent it later on.

  2. Awww, how sad it's not making high marks. I am glad I've not heard anything against Jeremy, I knew he would do a good job at least. :)



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.