
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

IGN's Top 25 Comic Book Movie List Part 3: 8-1.

While X-Men started the new wave of comic book movies, Spdier-Man perfected it. Spider-Man is a movie that I could watch a hundred times and never get tired of watching. It basically got me started liking loving Comic Book movies, while I did watch the first X-Men movie and the 90s Batman movies first, Spider-Man was the movie that changed everything. It is still one of the all time classics.

The first X-Men movie was good, X2 was stunning. It really should rank higher than Batman Begins.  

I have not seen Road to Perdition. Since Tom Hanks and Paul Newman are in it, I will probably check it out.

I mostly agree with the ranking. X-Men: First Class definitely deserves to be in the Top 5. It was what the X-Men franchise need after a majorly disappointing Wolverine movie.

Batman Begins is a good movie but it is ludicrous that it is so high on the list. Sure it is a good movie that revived the Batman franchise, yet there were some major flaws that hindered the movie from true greatness. One of the major ones being, the horribly choreographed and dark lighted action scenes. It is a prime example of how not to make an action scene.  

Although Superman was the first super hero and Superman The Movie was the first Comic Book movie, it is not the 3rd best Comic Book movie. It is a very good movie but you can not have it this high just because it was the first Comic Book movie does not justify having this high on the list.

Spider-Man is consider by some to be Marvel's best. I cannot completely disagree. Spider-Man 2 is one of my all time favorites movies period. It has just about everything that you could want in a great movie.

How predictable. Did anyone really think that IGN was not going to have The Dark Knight at number one? Although it is very overrated, it is still a great movie. While it would rank around 8th or 9th on my Comic Book movies list, I would not really have a problem with The Dark Knight's ranking if it was hailed as the quote: "Best Comic Book Movie Ever" without compromise, and some even go as far to say that it is the "Best Movie of All Time". I would not really mind that if around 20% of people said that The Dark Knight was their favorite Comic Book movie, yet if you even try to say that The Dark Knight is anything but perfect some people think you are a lunatic or something. Sure Heath Ledger was truly excellent, but seriously people are ignoring the some of the major flaws in the movie, which I will be posting one below.

Warning: If you have not seen The Dark Knight skip to the bottom of the page and comment.

Here are two major flaws that would have easily ended The Dark Knight, I am not saying that other movies on the list are flawless but the best ones do not have flaws this noticable.
Why didn't Batman just slow down and run the Joker over with his Batpod? It would have put Joker in the hospital and no one else would have to die. The Joker does not have any powers, so why is he harder to knock out than any other person. He does not have any gadgets or training that would make him any better than any other thug.

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  1. The first real comic book movie I ever saw was the Batman movie with Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker. One time when we were watching it, my dad saw this actress named Jerry Hall in it and he just says "Hey look, it's Mrs. Mick Jagger" IDK why he said that, he's random I guess. I'd have to say that my favorite comic book movie so far is either Batman with Michael Keaton in it, X2: X-Men United because it goes more into detail on how Wolverine came to be, or the old Superman movies from the 80s with Christopher Reeve in them. It's so sad to hear he's gone.

    And, BTW, thanks 4 the comment on my post about The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. My dad turned me onto that movie. I love it and it finally hit me that those characters in the movie were and are literary characters from stories.

  2. The first "Spider-Man" was really good. I've seen it twice, and it was so well done that I don't think the new revamped "Spider-Man 4" will be able to compare. Add to that, Tobey Maguire looks waaaay more like the Peter Parker from the comic books than the new guy does (blanked out on what his name is). And no MJ? C'mon, MJ's soo much better than Gwen Stacey, jussayin'.

    As for "The Dark Knight," it was really well done and I liked it overall. But after a while I just got so sick of all of the explosions, shootings, deaths, and all of that. After the first hour I kept thinking: "Just stop killing people already!" (But I had to finish watching it for school, so I couldn't just walk away.) The story was good, the acting was amazing, but the violence was just too much.

    And I tried to watch "Superman: The Movie," but it was so cheesy that I couldn't watch more than 30 minutes of it. :P

    Thanks for posting this list! I think it's really cool (even though I don't agree with all of the rankings :D)!

  3. Soooo, they left Iron Man 2 out completely? :P

    I'd like to see the two Spiderman movies sometime, and I REALLY want to see the upcoming The Amazing Spiderman as well. :D


  4. I think it's because Batman's supposed to have this thing against using weapons to kill people. Driving a motorcycle over someone is definitely using a weapon against them. Though I agree that I can't imagine why he would make an exception there.

  5. Sorry, whould not(see above)

  6. I think the reason Batman didn't run over the Joker is because Batman has morals. If the Batman just killed, what makes him different from the Joker?
    And it's very very very reminiscent of the scene in Tim Burton's Batman where Jack Nicholson's Joker is standing in the street in front of the cathedral and he's being pursued by the Batwing.

  7. @Jaggerfan1: I think the Tim Burton Batman was the first comic book movie I watched also. :)
    X2 was my favorite comic book for a while until I watched Iron Man but it is still one of my favorites.
    League of Extraordinary was written by Alan Moore, who also wrote the famous Watchmen graphic novel, I really hope that it gets a sequel, it was very underrated.

    @Edessa: I loved the first Spider-Man movie, I have seen it at least 15-20 times. From the new previews The Amazing Spider-Man looks really good but I agree that it will be hard to top the classic.
    I really didn't have a problem the violence since I do watch some violent movies so that didn't bother me.

    @Jamie: I was about to "Hulk Out" when it didn't make the list.
    You need to see the first two Spider-Man movies. I think Spider-Man is kind of like Luke Skywalker. That they are both the common young adults. It is hard to explain but you just NEED to see the movies. :D

    @JT/King Valun: I kind of see your point but Batman does use weapons like his Baterangs, and some others ones. But he also did worse things to the Jokers thugs.

    @helpusobi1: If Batman slowed down to a speed of 15-20mph it would have injured, not killed him as I stated above.
    But I agree that it was similar to Burton's original Batman movie.


  8. I think that Batman really wanted to hit the Joker and by the time he decided not to he was too close and going too fast to just slow down and casually run him over, but not kill him. As to the Joker being harder to knock out: he's not. There was never really any one on one battle where he and Batman were evenly matched. At the party the Joker had his clowns that he pushed in Batman's way and he also had Rachel as a hostage. In the building siege near the end of the movie, the Joker had three rottweilers, a metal bar and Batman's vision was wacking out. And the Joker is just insane. He thought that anything Batman did to him was funny( i.e the whole prison interrogation scene).

    So, anyway, that's my two cents. :) Thanks for the discussion!

  9. I think that Batman really wanted to hit the Joker and by the time he decided not to he was too close and going too fast to just slow down and casually run him over, but not kill him. As to the Joker being harder to knock out: he's not. There was never really any one on one battle where he and Batman were evenly matched. At the party the Joker had his clowns that he pushed in Batman's way and he also had Rachel as a hostage. In the building siege near the end of the movie, the Joker had three rottweilers, a metal bar and Batman's vision was wacking out. And the Joker is just insane. He thought that anything Batman did to him was funny( i.e the whole prison interrogation scene).

    So, anyway, that's my two cents. :) Thanks for the discussion!

  10. Oops. Sorry for posting that twice.

  11. "Why didn't Batman just slow down and run the Joker over with his Batpod?"

    That sounds like an interesting solution, but I'm not buying it. First, even if Batman had slowed down, the impact might still have been fatal. In that incredibly short time span, how is one supposed to gauge "injury speed" and "fatal speed"? Why would he take that chance?

    Second, have you considered the adrenaline involved in that one scene? There's been a brutal and prolonged street chase, the body-count is high, and the wreckage is unbelievable. I don't think Batman was at his most cool, calm, and collected there. It's plain to see that he wanted to kill the Joker once and for all (to call him angry would be an understatement), but obviously, he restrained himself at the last moment. Anyway, it's not as if he could have plotted the whole thing out: "Okay, the Joker is going to ask me to hit him; instead, I'm going to slow down and knock him over. Sounds like a plan!"


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