
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

IGN's Top 25 Comic Book Movie List Part 2: 16-9

Thor at number 16th! Are they joking! This is so much better than 300 and Watchmen it is not even funny. Most real critics would agree that Thor is a better movie than the two movies listed below. This is the biggest mistake of the list. Thor had excellent family drama and acting. It is so much better than many of the movies on this list. IGN really screwed it up with this ranking.

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Although 300 has some really good action, that is all it has. The plot was simple, the acting was over the top, and it was all around ridiculous. While I would consider it in my Top 25 Comic Book movies just for the action, it is not a good movie.

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Watchmen is based on the most highly acclaimed Graphic Novel (comic book the size of a novel) by Alan Moore. It is the only Graphic Novel to appear on TIME magazine Top 100 Novels list. While Watchmen did have some good parts in it like the character Rorschach, who is one of favorite comic book characters, it tried to hard and ended being kind of mixed. It is not a bad movie but not a great one.

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I have not seen this for obvious reasons.

It has been around 10 years since I have seen this but I will probably agree with the ranking after a re-watch of the film because I am a fan of the TV series.

Now this should be at least a little higher! While I did not expect it to make the Top 5, it should have an least made the Top 10. For some reason Captain America and Thor did not received enough positive reviews.

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I have yet to this also. I might watch it since Viggo Mortensen is in it.

Now this is ridiculous! How could they seriously have Iron Man this low on the list after having in the Top 5 on the previous year's list?! Iron Man is tied for the highest rated Comic Book movie on Rotten This is were IGN really butchered the list. They gave it 4 out of 5 Stars! That is higher than most of the movies ahead of it, they are ridiculously inconsistent!

Check back here tomorrow for the rest of the list.

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