
Friday, January 13, 2012

Dragon Appreciation Award.

Thanks Aalya Rain at Fangirl & Farmgirl for giving us this award.

So, the first part I have to fill out for this award is- "Dragon you appreciate the most."

We don't know of many dragons but Eustaace from Narnia was good and we are sure we are going to like the evil Smaug when we see The Hobbit.
The award can keep being given out till the 16th.

I am not sure which of our followers have already been awarded this or who is interested in fantasy so anyone who doesn't have the award can get it(includes wordpress bloggers).


  1. Hey, cool award! I've not even see it before, so I'll help myself! LOL


  2. Is this for LOTR dragons or any film dragons?


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.