
Saturday, December 10, 2011

5 Things to do Until The Avengers.

This post is about 5 things we highly recommend you do if you can't wait to see The Avengers.

Watch The Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes.
You may be thinking because it is animated it is a dumb kids show but it isn't. While the show is "family friendly" it has depth. It explores the relationship character between the characters. If you want to see more Captain America or Asgard this is a must see. The series is not dierectly related to The Avengers movie. Below I have posted the first episode of the series. If you don't care about watching the series but you like Captain America watch the third and fourth videos below. They are Captain America's origin episodes.
This is the first episode of the series.

Watch the episodes below if you like Captain America.

Play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance is a video game were you can create your Ultimate dream team of Marvel heroes including Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Spider-Man, and many others. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 comes on most video game consoles including PC.

Watch The Ultimate Avengers Movies.

The Ultimate Avengers movie is not a kid's movie it is rated PG-13. The movie is good and if you want to more Avengers we recommend you watch both Ultimate Avengers 1 and 2.

Watch or Re-Watch The Avengers Movies in Order.

We are going to re-watch all of The Avengers movies in order a month before the movie comes out. You should know the order to watch them in if read our earlier post but if you didn't here is the order.

Watch Marvel's Other Awesome Movies.

If you liked any of The Avengers related movies you need to check out Marvel's other awesome movies. Here are some of the noteable ones.
Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, X-Men: First Class, X-Men, X-Men 2 and X-Men 3.

 We will posting the "Top 25 Best Comic Book Movies" some time this month.

 If you have any questions please ask.

If you missed any part of The Avengers Guide here are the links.
The Avengers Guide Part 1: The Movies.
The Avengers Guide Part 2: The Heroes.
The Avengers Guide Part 3: The Villains
The Avengers Guide Part 4: The Comic Book
The Avengers Guide Part 5: The Origins.
The Avengers Guide Part 6: Secrets and After The Credits.
The Avengers Guide Part 7: Information and Pictures.
The Avengers Guide Part 8: The Cast.
The Avengers Guide Part 9: 5 Avengers We Want in the Sequel.
The Avengers Guide Part 10: 5 Villains We Want in the Sequel.
The Avengers Guide Part 11: After The Avengers.


  1. Great blog series, guys! They were very helpful and greatly appreciated! You can always count me in as a fellow Avenger fan! :)


  2. This guide was truly epic! I'm officially now a die hard Avengers fan. I bought Thor on Blu-Ray yesterday, as well as keychains of Mjonir and Cap's shield. May can't come soon enough!

  3. @Jamie: Thanks, I am glad you liked it. :)

    @JEdiKnightGirl: Thanks. I hopefully will be getting the Blu-Rays of Thor and Captain America soon also. I haven't seen a Mjonir key chain before. I need to look for one. :)

  4. Here's the keychain.

    I bought mine at Toys-R-Us for $4.99. Probably better to check there first. ;)

  5. Wow. You guys are so legit! I really don't believe I know anyone else this obsessed, and I say that with respect, because I have lots of obsessions! I can't wait 'til May! Oh wait, I'll have to.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.