
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Star Wars: The Clone Wars - "Prisoners" Review

If you have seen the episode please give it any score from 1 to 10.

Note: We changed the last episode we review from a score of 8.5 to 8.2 because we decided it was to high of a score.

The Good: A really awesome brutaly violent kill at the end of the episode, Better plot than the last episode, A slightly darker tone than the last episode had, Prince Lee-Char was a lot better in this epsidoe,

The Bad:

Plot: 8.2/10- A lot better than the last episode.

Action: 9.3/10- Showing Riff's head floating down, blown clean off his body, was very impressive.

Acting: 8.2/10- The normal cast was consistent and Prince Lee-Char's voice better.

Art Style: 9.4/10- Better detailed than the last episode.

Overall: 8.7/10- Overall the episode munch improved and darker than the last episode.

Closing comments: "Prisoners" was a fitting end to the trilogy of episodes.

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