
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Person of Interest "Pilot" review.

If you have seen the movie please give it any score from 1 to 10.

Channel: CBS
Next Episode: September, 29
Genre: Action, Thriller, Crime

Click here to watch the episode of Person of Interest you will not regret it.

The Good: Excellent original concept, Superb acting, A lot more action than any other TV show on TV,

The Bad:

Plot: Mr. Finch (Michael Emerson), a mysterious billionaire, has developed a computer program that predicts the identity of people connected to violent crimes that will take place in the future. However, the program has its limitations; for example, it cannot predict whether the person will be a victim, perpetrator, or witness, nor can it predict when or where the crime will take place. Unable to stop the crimes on his own, Finch hires John Reese (Jim Caviezel), a former CIA field officer who is presumed dead, to help stop the crimes from taking place.
The pilot episode establishes that Finch originally built the machine for the government as a means to prevent another 9/11-type disaster, but found that it was also predicting many "irrelevant" crimes. Finch built a backdoor into the machine that, before erasing the "irrelevant data" each night, sends Finch a single Social Security number of someone involved in one of those crimes. Finch also reveals that the world thinks that he, like Reese, is dead.

Plot: 9.0/10- It is original, perfectly executed and very entertaining.

Action: 9.2/10- More action than most show on TV and it  was well executed.

Acting: 9.1/10- Jim Caviezel is a very underated actor and is perfect for the role of former CIA field officer John Reese and the rest of the cast were also good.

Special effects: N/A

Soundtrack: 8.1/10- The soundtrack was a great fit for the show.

Comedy: N/A

Overall: 9.0/10- Overall Person of Interest is a top notch show is well worth your time.

Closing comments: Person of Interest is a amazing new show that we think you should watch.

Recommended for: Thrill fans, Action fan, Crime fans, Anyone looking for something to watch.

Click here to watch the episode of Person of Interest you will not regret it.

Please comment and tell us if you think you are going to watch it or if you have seen it.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds cool, but we don't have a TV. apologies for getting off topic, but I hope you'll check out my tag list of my favorite books I just put up.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.