
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Top 10 Star Wars Video Games: 5-1

My list of the Top 10 Best Star Wars Video Games comes to an end with the final five picks.

5: Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
As a young teen, the Lego Star Wars games were some of my favorite games. I achieved 100% completion on both the first two games, and nearly 100% completion on this game, Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. While I completely dropped the Lego game franchise after The Clone Wars, the franchise never really could top the simple brilliance of the puzzles in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones games. 

4: Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast finally allowed the player to be a true Jedi, specifically, Kyle Katarn. Why haven't there been a new game that uses a similar Lightsaber and FPS (first-person-shooter) mechanics of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast? Seriously, the game is over a decade old and no other game series captures what it is like to be a gunslinging Jedi quite like Jedi Outcast. 

3: Star Wars: The Old Republic
BioWare's MMORPG (massively-multiplayer-online-role-playing-game), The Old Republic has caused quite a stir in the gaming community. Some say that it is a disaster, while others love it. Personally, the game is not worth a subscription fee, but the free-to-play aspect of the game is a blast if you can play with friends. While I have not played after the recent update, which is said to improve the game drastically, The Old Republic is a fun and expansive game with a solid story that ties into one of the greatness eras of the Star Wars EU. If you want to give it a shot, you can play the game for free!

2: Star Wars: Battlefront II
Star Wars: Battlefront II and the first Battlefront are two of my favorite video games of all-time. I could not count the many hours my brother and I played the games. Sure, EA has attempted to bring the franchise back, and while the new game is quite fun, the original Battlefront is still packed with far more content and a class system that makes the new game look tiny in comparison. Also, the Hero Assault on Mos Eisley is one of the most fun things ever in video games.  

1: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Finally, number one, the greatest game to ever come from Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic, aka KotOR. KotOR is not only the best Star Wars video game ever, it is one of my favorite video games of all-time. It redefined what I came to expect from video games. KotOR showed me just how incredible video game storytelling could be, and it is the precursor to my favorite video game franchise, Mass Effect. Of all the Star Wars content outside of the films, KotOR is my favorite story. It packed with depth, emotion, and shocking plot twists. If you are a gamer and Star Wars fan, you owe it to yourself to play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, it is a true masterpiece of gaming.

What are your favorite Star Wars video game? Please comment below and let me know! If you missed part 1, click here to read it.

Note: I have never played Star Wars: Republic Commando.

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  1. Nice list. There was actually a sequel to Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast called "Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy." It is rather old now but it used to have a big fanbase and the singleplayer is fun. KOTOR is a great game that was almost like an interactive movie when I played it. For a while I was playing "Star Wars: The Old Republic" Quite a lot. (Was taking a jedi knight to the dark side, A Sith inquisitor to the light side and blowing stuff up with a republic trooper.) Don't play so much since I got a job, but it is fun and addictive. Great list of games.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. You rotting spoiler-sport. Stop ruining things for people.

  3. There are three distinct game types you can play. A training game set during the clone wars, a galaxy conquest game and the instant action games.
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