
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Coming Soon: November 2015

Hello once again! Jordan from Rath's Reviews here to give you the low down on what happened last month (hint: a lot of good) and what's coming this month (hint: a lot more good). Let's get right into it with brief recaps from what came through theaters last month:

Sicario: It wasn't covered in last month's rundown because of a lame limited release schedule. That aside, it may not be my favorite movie of the year, but it's the best one I've seen thus far. (Rath's Review Score: 10/10 -- Instant Classic)
The Walk: A harrowing experience in 3D that doesn't have too much to offer outside of that final 20 minute sequence. (RRS: 7.5/10)
The Martian: Very nearly rivals the book in entertainment value. This is one of Ridley Scott's best films in a while. (RRS: 9/10)
Pan: Did pretty poorly at the box office and in front of critics. I've rarely heard praise for this dud. 
Steve Jobs: After having an insanely annoying limited release schedule, it bombed at the box office (color me not surprised). As a biography it's quite hollow as it only covers a small snippet of his life, but as a movie it's one of the best of the year. (RRS: 8.5/10)
Bridge of Spies: Highly interesting for history buffs and well made enough that casual movie-goers will enjoy it too. (RRS: 8/10)
Crimson Peak: Apparently I didn't get the memo that this wasn't supposed to be a horror film (marketing sure could have fooled me). So I was ultimately disappointed with the Gothic romance that I saw instead. (RRS: 7/10)
Goosebumps: Enjoyable enough for both kids and adults, though probably about a decade (or two) too late.
Beasts of No Nation: The first major Netflix release didn't disappoint and was one of the hardest films I've ever had to watch based on the subject matter. 
The Last Witch Hunter: Forgettable and overlong. Sounds like I dodged a bullet by not seeing this one.
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension: Other than some fun 3D and answering many lingering questions, this "final" iteration goes out with a whimper. (RRS: 5/10)
Rock the Kasbah: Supposedly fairly "offensive", it seems like this was an example of a lot of solid talent getting together and making a bad movie. 
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse: Based on some atrocious reviews and some cinema-fatigue I skipped this one. The synopsis from critics: gory and incredibly immature.

Most Disappointing: Crimson Peak with Paranormal Activity not far behind it
Most Surprising: None this month
Worst Movie: Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension
Best Movie: Sicario

Let's take a look at what November has to offer! Not quite as many films (thank God), but there are some BIG ones there. Click the titles for the trailers as always!

Why It's Worth Seeing: The last time we got a Daniel Craig/Sam Mendes Bond flick it was Skyfall and that one was nothing short of amazing. SPECTRE looks like it could be another great entry in the series.
What Could Go Wrong: Recent interviews are indicating that neither Mendes or Craig really seem all that excited to be doing Bond anymore. If the passion truly is no longer there, it may show in the film's quality. 

Why It's Worth Seeing: Given that there are no major releases this weekend, it would benefit this film if it went wide but hey? Who am I to introduce logic to Hollywood? This one tells that miraculous story about the 33 Chilean miners that were trapped and saved from a few years back.
What Could Go Wrong: The trailers make this seem awfully in line with a Spanish soap opera. Over dramatic acting, facial expressions, etc. Hopefully the final product tones down the cheese.

Why It's Worth Seeing: It's the final installment in the successful (both critically and commercially) Hunger Games franchise. Much like the final Harry Potter installment, this will likely be a lot of action with a swift pace.
What Could Go Wrong: I know some don't like the way the books ended, and I do agree that the ending is a bit clumsy. Hopefully the film can wrap things up with a tidy bow like this phenomenal series deserves.

Why It's Worth Seeing: Why this film thinks it can go toe to toe with Hunger Games (especially with a wide open weekend the weekend before) is beyond me but hey? Again, logic right? Either way, the early previews for this look funny, not quite hysterical, but hopefully they're saving the R-rated jokes for the actual film.
What Could Go Wrong: I still can't quite figure out what the plot is other than these three hang out and participate in traditions. Hopefully the jokes fly quickly enough that I won't care, but I'm concerned with Rogen being the only "comedic" anchor.

Why It's Worth Seeing: The trailers for this look pretty intense, but I still question why it's trying to go up against Hunger Games. There are lots of good actors/actresses in this one and the story is devastatingly scary.
What Could Go Wrong: It could boil down to a predictable cop-outside-the-law drama that will be a shameful waste of the strong talent this film contains.

Why It's Worth Seeing: As a Rocky sequel, it's automatically questionable, but the trailers have been amazing and the talent attached makes it seem like this is the best stab at being an iconic boxing film since the original in the series it is linked to.
What Could Go Wrong: Boxing movies often struggle to be unique. How will this one set itself apart other than the presence of Stallone?

Why It's Worth Seeing: Pixar seemed to regain their crown this year with the imaginative Inside Out and this is the first post- Inside Out film they've had.
What Could Go Wrong: If I remember correctly, this film has been gestating for a while and its year of release has changed at least once. From the trailers this looks more like the "good" Pixar than the "iconic" Pixar.

Why It's Worth Seeing: Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy's involvement have me more interested in this than the rather dull trailers. Maybe there is something special here.
What Could Go Wrong: About a month too late (Halloween was October guys!) and riding on the gasping fumes of the monster genre that has seen some true duds as of late, I don't see this one being anything other than forgettable.

Must See (in order): SPECTRE, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2, Creed
On My Radar: The 33, The Night Before, Secret in Their Eyes, The Good Dinosaur
Predicted Dud: Victor Frankenstein

Thank you for the read guys! November should be an entertaining month for the most part. See you next month for a rundown of a busy Holiday season including a certain little "Star Wars" indie film that appears to be making waves. As always, I'd be really appreciative if you came and followed me through Blogger at RATH'S REVIEWS and like me on Facebook HERE! I follow-for-follow 100%. Thanks again!!

James the Reviewer here to tell you to check back tomorrow for my review of The Martian!

1 comment:

  1. Of course I'll be seeing Mockingjay, and Spectre eventually (probably not in theaters) but this month I'm more interested in the smaller things. Brooklyn and Man Up are on my list. And right now I'm super excited for the release of The Man in the High Castle series on Amazon. That looks incredible!

    I agree with your doubts about The Good Dinosaur. They should have called it The Iconic Dinosaur, amirite?? :P


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