
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sherlock Special: New Trailer and Air Date

A new trailer for the upcoming BBC Sherlock is here, as well as the official release date, which will be on January 1st! Finally, BBC and PBS are airing the series at roughly the same time, similar to how Doctor Who is aired. The title of the episode will be "Sherlock: The Abominable Bride," and, of course, it will be set in 19 century London like the original stories. As a fan of almost every adaptation of the legendary detective, I am ecstatic! And, in the upcoming "Reader's Choice," you can vote for me to post "5 Unconventional Sherlock Holmes Adaptations," which, as the title describes, will focus on 5 adaptations that you might have never heard about. Please check back tomorrow for more details!

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  1. As you know, I'm not the biggest fan of "Sherlock". However, even I think the trailer is well-made. I did notice they dropped what appeared to be a more comical take on SH they had when the first clip was released. IF they take a serious tone w/Abominable Bride, we MIGHT have something.

    Also, I'm looking forward to your Unconventional Holmes adaptations. I have a few ideas of my own...

    1. Maybe this episode will finally give you something to like. And I think there are a few adaptations that almost no one has heard of.



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.