
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

One Million Page Views!

One Million Page Views! Yes, that's right; J and J Productions has now reached 1,000,000 pageviews! And it is all thanks to y'all, the readers, and the various guest authors over the years! Without everyone's comments and support, I could have never achieved 1,000,000 pageviews!
Honestly, I am not entirely sure what to do to celebrate this achievement. A giveaway might be in the future if everything falls into place, but other than that, I am not sure. However, I realiz that I have not made J and J Pro as good as it can and should be. I am now back to replying to comments regularly, and I hope to continue to deliver high quality content that y'all can enjoy!

Oddly enough, I actually checked Blogger by complete happenstance and noticed that I reached the one million mark, so I took a screencap for posterity's sake. If you have any suggestions for what I should do to celebrate, let know in the comments! So, in the meantime, here are some celebratory gifs, and be sure to check back tomorrow for my special "Horror Movie Survival Guide" that will tell you everything that you need to survive against monsters of all kinds!
 A special shoutout to the guest authors throughout the years (alphabetically): Ashley TaraHamletteJamieJordanJTMaegenLights on Location, and Rebecca.

Party Time! 

I raise my glass to you, the reader. Thanks again! Here's to another million views!

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to


  1. Congrats James! That's awesome. Happy to be a part of it :-)

  2. WOW! That's amazing. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, "Be excellent to one another, and party on, dudes!"

    1. Thank you! That quote reminds me that I need to watch Bill & Ted sometime, haha!


  3. Congrats again bro!!! I'm so curious to see where you'll be taking this blog in the future and I'm so glad we were able to meet through it! <3 Love the Dwight gif! XD

    1. Thank you Jamie! Me too. :) And when I saw that Dwight gif, I knew I had to use it. XD


  4. Congratulations on reaching the impressive 1 million mark. You certainly deserve it, considering all the hard work you've put into the blog. I can't wait for the Horror Movie Survival Guide. It sounds fun. Not sure what you should do to celebrate reaching a million views. Here's to another million!

    1. Thanks! I hope can keep it up in the future. And here is the link to that Horror Survival Guide if you want to see it now.


  5. Congratulations man, that's awesome! And I especially can't wait for tomorrows Horror post lol!

    1. Thank you Matthew! And here's the horror if you want see it! It was one of most funs posts I have written in a while.


  6. That's awesome!!! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for commenting on some of my older posts. I apologize for not replying to the comments.


  7. Congrats James, a great milestone, I am sure a few thousand of those views were mine.


One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.