
Friday, September 18, 2015

The Divergent Series: Allegiant Trailer and Title Change

A new trailer for The Divergent Series: Allegiant is out, as well as news regarding the fourth and final film in the franchise. Recently, I watched the first two Divergent films, and while there are nothing particularly great, they were decently entertaining flicks, and I will probably end up seeing this latest one in theaters. As for the trailer, there is not much shown. It mostly reuses previous footage. However, other news is that the last two films' title have been changed from "Allegiant: Part 1 & Part 2" to "Allegiant" and "Ascendant," even the final film is yet another splitting of the final film in a trilogy. In terms of marketing, this is probably a good idea. "Part 1 & Part 2" films are becoming far too common in recent years, and to the general audience, it could be a deterrent for some potential viewers. Titles like that essentially say “We are going to have a massive cliffhanger in the first part.” What do you think? Please comment below and let me know!

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