
Friday, August 7, 2015

Deadpool Trailer Review

Deadpool is finally here people! And it is utterly hilarious! Fox appears to delivering everything that we wanted with this Deadpool movie. It is meta, hysterical in parts, and captures the character perfectly. The trailer even explains Deadpool's origin clearly for those new to the character. He basically has Wolverine's heal factor, uses swords and guns, and he knows that he is a comic book character (or whatever medium he is in). Ryan Reynolds plays Deadpool again, and as the other promos show, the movie acknowledges how Fox completely screwed up the character in X-Men: Origins - Wolverine. Of course, the above trailer is the "green-band" trailer censored to release in theaters and TV, so if you are 18+ and want to watch the red-band (R rated) trailer, you will find it on YouTube. My main issue with the film is that it looks too vulgar, even for a Deadpool movie, but I plan to write about why we need two cuts of the film in theaters in a later post. What do you think of the trailer? Please comment below and let me know!

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  1. This movie seems pretty good, and quite different compared to other superhero movies. Aside from the Wolverine movies, I think Fox is doing a good job in the X-men franchise, especially since First Class and Days of Future Past.

    Since this is R Rated, I'm not sure if this will be released in my country, but I will support it just to let Hollywood know that R Rated movies could still be commercially successful.

    Hey, what do you think about the Origins films? I think they should make more movies like that featuring different characters.

    1. I agree, Fox has been getting the X-Men back on track of late.

      Which Origins films are you referring to? X-Men: Origins - Wolverine was awful! But it seems that these new X-Men films set in the past are like Origin films for a group. Or are you referring to something else?


    2. Yeah, I was referring to X-Men: Origins. I didn't like it that much. And I was thinking maybe it would be good if they make more Origins films. But you're right, these films set in the past are like origin films on their own too.

    3. Thanks for explaining. Before First Class was put into production, a Magneto Origins was rumored to be in production, but X-Men films seem to work best as a team film. Even some of the spinoffs like X-Force and X-Factor had a solid team dynamic. Also, I am not sure if any of the standalone characters could carry an Origins film on their own, commercially at least. It is an interesting idea though. There might be a few characters that could work though, like Mystique, but not really an Origins film.


  2. Okay, Deadpool isn't supposed to be vulgar, right? I'm all for the movie getting an R for violence, and I would still watch if there were a reasonable amount of language, but the impression I'm getting right now is extreme, unnecessary pervasive language -- plus everything else you can possibly pack into an R. And I'm not interested in that.

    Anyway, I thought Deadpool was supposed to be creative with his insults -- you know, things that are cheeky and punny and actually funny? F-bombs every half-second is gonna take away from that.

    Also, it doesn't seem like they're even going to make him self-aware in the actual movie....

    Is two cuts of the movie for theatrical release really an option? I would be interested in hearing about that.

    1. It depends on the writer of the comic, video game, ect. that determines how vulgar he is. The ones I like are the ones that keep everything mostly PG-13, although I have not read many of the newer comics. I am not interested in all that unnecessary content either!

      Exactly! He is suppose to be more creative, and not nearly as vulgar as this film appears to be in the red-band trailer.

      I am looking into the idea of two films for my post. The two trailers had different dialogue and the green band was significantly funnier to me.


  3. I didn't notice any reference to the other deadpool appearence (probably because I don't watch those movies) but I did hear the reference to the green lantern movie..."Please don't make the supersuit green-or animated!"

    1. Sorry for not explaining. There was a short trailer to the trailer with Deadpool mentioning his first film appearance with something like "From the idiots that screwed up my character before."



One rule: No strong profanity. If you want to link to one of your posts, please do; I am always interested in other reviews and such.